[Haskell-cafe] binary IO

Joel Reymont joelr1 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 27 10:24:56 EST 2005


On Dec 27, 2005, at 1:58 PM, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:

> no problem. my library handle about 10-15mb/s, and i think that  
> speed can
> be doubled by using unboxed ints

Would you like to present your version of the timeleak code plus  
statistics from a test run?

This will demonstrate the technical superiority of your library. I'm  
sure it can talk the talk but can it walk the walk?

Please make sure that you have bots reading from the file all at the  
_at the same time_, not sequentially.

> these delays says nothing about speed. you are mixing two things -
> your end goal is to make delays short, but your instrument - speeds of
> different processes and to decide what you need to optimize you must
> calc these speeds separately. without it, your "optimization" is just
> random game

I need to reduce the overall delay. Individual delays do me no good.  
Show me a 1-2s delay in the "timeleak" unstuff code then I will be  

> JR> Each bot is given 5, 15 or 35 seconds to respond by the poker  
> server
> so you don't need to create complex timer thread machinery, just use 3
> threads which proceed requests in FIFO order

Socket read is a blocking operation. An easy way to handle a blocking  
read is to launch a thread that reads from a socket and posts packets  
somewhere once they are retrieved. I cannot handle large numbers of  
bots if I block on a socket read.

> JR> I spent 3 hard months (barely any weekends, no holidays)  
> polishing my
> JR> Haskell code.
> ... wasting your time to speed up code that is slow by design. don't
> forget that this article was published as FUNCTIONAL pearl, not
> damn-fast pearl

Not quite. I ended up with the pickler code but I did not start with it.

> i think that you will get just the same problems as with Haskell and
> forced to switch back because it's easier to low-level optimize in
> Haskell than in Erlang

Absolutely not. I wrote a poker server in Erlang (see the openpoker/ 
erlang sections of http://wagerlabs.com) so I know what I'm talking  
about. There's usually no need to optimize anything low-level with  
Erlang, it's fast enough as it is for network operations. It's also  
optimized for pickling as well. See http://erlang.se/doc/doc-5.4.12/ 
doc/programming_examples/bit_syntax.html#4, for example.

> JR> My only requirement is that there be a _single_ spec for  
> pickling and
> JR> unpickling, i.e. no separate methods. The following is not  
> acceptable
> JR> to me ;-).
> say exactly WHY you need this single spec. i know at least 4
> solutions, what is the best depends on your exact needs

Because I have 150 records with a lot of fields and writing separate  
code for pickling and unpickling is a nightmare?

> for example, one of these solutions looks like this:
> instance Binary TableInfo where
>   put_ bh (TableInfo a b c d) = put_ bh (a,b,c,d)
>   get bh = do (a,b,c,d) <- get bh; return (TableInfo a b c d)
> instance Binary GameType where
>   put_ bh = putWord16 bh . fromEnum
>   get = liftM toEnum . getWord16

This gets tedious very quickly.

	Thanks, Joel


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