[Haskell-cafe] Re: Haskell Speed
Peter Simons
simons at cryp.to
Sun Dec 25 06:24:38 EST 2005
Paul Moore writes:
> It would be interesting to see standalone code for wcIOB
> (where you're allowed to assume that any helpers you
> need, like your block IO library, are available from the
> standard library). This would help in comparing the
> "obviousness" of the two approaches.
A simple version of the program -- which doesn't need any
3rd party modules to compile -- is attached below. My guess
is that this approach to I/O is quite obvious, too, if you
have experience with system programming in C.
IMHO, the main point of the example in the article is that
wc :: String -> (Int, Int, Int)
wc file = ( length (lines file)
, length (words file)
, length file
is a crapy word-counting algorithm. I'm not sure whether
conclusions about functional programming in general or even
programming in Haskell can be derived from this code. Most
people seem to have trouble with lazy-evaluation, first of
-- Compile with: ghc -O2 -funbox-strict-fields -o wc wc.hs
module Main ( main ) where
import System.IO
import Foreign
type Count = Int
data CountingState = ST !Bool !Count !Count !Count
deriving (Show)
initCST :: CountingState
initCST = ST True 0 0 0
wc :: Char -> CountingState -> CountingState
wc '\n' (ST _ l w c) = ST True (l+1) w (c+1)
wc ' ' (ST _ l w c) = ST True l w (c+1)
wc '\t' (ST _ l w c) = ST True l w (c+1)
wc _ (ST True l w c) = ST False l (w+1) (c+1)
wc _ (ST False l w c) = ST False l w (c+1)
bufsize :: Int -- our I/O buffer size
bufsize = 4096
type IOHandler st = Ptr Word8 -> Int -> st -> IO st
countBuf :: IOHandler CountingState
countBuf _ 0 st@(ST _ _ _ _) = return st
countBuf ptr n st@(ST _ _ _ _) = do
c <- peek ptr
let st' = wc (toEnum (fromEnum c)) st
countBuf (ptr `plusPtr` 1) (n - 1) st'
loop :: Handle -> Int -> IOHandler st -> st -> IO st
loop h n f st' = allocaArray n (\ptr' -> loop' ptr' st')
loop' ptr st = st `seq` do
rc <- hGetBuf h ptr n
if rc == 0
then return st
else f ptr rc st >>= loop' ptr
main :: IO ()
main = do
ST _ l w c <- loop stdin bufsize countBuf initCST
putStrLn . shows l . (' ':) . shows w . (' ':) $ show c
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