[Haskell-cafe] ANN: HDBC 0.6.0

John Goerzen jgoerzen at complete.org
Thu Dec 22 14:51:02 EST 2005


Version 0.6.0 of HDBC and the Sqlite3 bindings are now available.

New features since Tuesday's 0.5.0 announcement include:

 * New type system for marshalling different Haskell types back and

 * New support for querying meta-information about the server

 * Much improved documentation

 * Fix for a race condition in the Sqlite3 binding

 * New fetchAllRows function that returns a lazy list of result rows
   (think hGetContents for database queries)

I will shortly begin work on a PostgreSQL binding.

Also, I plan to write a MissingH interface module.  The main idea of
that is to provide a SQL backend for the MissingH AnyDBM interface
(which uses *dbm databases for persistent hashes).  Combined with
Sqlite, this provides a very interesting and easy to use persistent
hash interface.

-- John

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