[Haskell-cafe] Re: Tutorial uploaded

Udo Stenzel u.stenzel at web.de
Wed Dec 21 09:24:17 EST 2005

Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Depends on what you mean by "quick" and "small". Do you mean that the 
> program should execute fast and have a small memmory foot-print?

I was referring to Robin's mentioning space/time usage, so yes, that's
what I meant.

> >To write interactive Haskell code well, you have to understand
> >higher order functions.
> That's scary, that you need advanced knowledge just to do IO.

Actually not.  You need advanced knowledge to *avoid* doing IO.  (If
higher order functions like map, fold count as advanced.)  A good,
readable, maintainable Haskell program is almost completely pure and
does very little IO.  Of course you can write an IO-heavy program in the
same style you'd use in C, but it would be exactly as ugly.

> >Unless you want to
> >teach people to program as they would do in Basic, that is.
> I don't know what you mean by that.

You will soon.  Once you get used to composing functions instead of
sequencing actions, you'll appreciate the difference.

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