[Haskell-cafe] Wiki resources for Re: First steps in Haskell

Shae Matijs Erisson shae at ScannedInAvian.com
Mon Dec 19 13:40:21 EST 2005

"Simon Peyton-Jones" <simonpj at microsoft.com> writes:

> In any case, I think it'd be great if he, or anyone else, started a Wiki
> page on "very first steps in Haskell", along the lines he suggests.
> Maybe one exists already?  Once it does, it'd be good to point to it
> from haskell.org.

There's both HaskellNewbie[1] and HaskellDemo[2].
It would be nice if they were linked from the front page of haskell.org.

Has there been any discussion about keeping the haskell.org pages in a darcs
repository for easy local editing?

Shae Matijs Erisson - http://www.ScannedInAvian.com/ - Sockmonster once said:
You could switch out the unicycles for badgers, and the game would be the same.

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