[Haskell-cafe] Battling laziness
Joel Reymont
joelr1 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 10:22:42 EST 2005
Looking at http://wagerlabs.com/randomplay.hd.ps I see closures
(constructors?) in this order
This tells me it's something having to do with array code. I'm
attaching the Script.Array module at the end. This report does not
tell me who is retaining the data, though.
Looking at http://wagerlabs.com/randomplay.hy.ps I see types ordered
like this
What do I make of all these?
This is Script.Array:
module Script.Array where
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Foreign hiding (newArray)
import Foreign.Ptr
type MutByteArray = IOUArray Int Word8
type ByteArray = UArray Int Word8
type Index = Int
arraySize :: HasBounds a => a Int e -> Int
arraySize a = (snd (bounds a)) + 1
emptyByteArray :: Int -> IO MutByteArray
emptyByteArray sz = newArray (0, sz - 1) 0
mkPureArray :: MutByteArray -> IO ByteArray
mkPureArray array = freeze array
copyMArray :: MutByteArray -> Index -> MutByteArray -> Index -> Int -
> IO ()
copyMArray _ _ _ _ 0 = return ()
copyMArray dest ix src src_ix n =
do e <- readArray src src_ix
writeArray dest ix e
copyMArray dest (ix + 1) src (src_ix + 1) (n - 1)
copyIArray :: MutByteArray -> Index -> ByteArray -> Index -> Int ->
IO ()
copyIArray _ _ _ _ 0 = return ()
copyIArray dest ix src src_ix n =
do let e = src ! src_ix
writeArray dest ix e
copyIArray dest (ix + 1) src (src_ix + 1) (n - 1)
readBits :: forall a.(Num a, Bits a) => MutByteArray -> Index -> IO a
readBits array ix =
readBits' array ix bitsize 0
where bitsize = bitSize (undefined :: a)
readBits' _ _ 0 acc = return acc
readBits' array ix count acc =
do e <- readArray array ix
let e' = (fromIntegral e) `shiftL` (count - 8)
readBits' array (ix + 1) (count - 8) (acc + e')
writeBits :: (Integral a, Bits a) => MutByteArray -> Index -> a -> IO ()
writeBits array ix a =
writeBits' array ix (bitSize a)
where writeBits' _ _ 0 = return ()
writeBits' array ix count =
do let mask = 0xff `shiftL` (count - 8)
a' = (a .&. mask) `shiftR` (count - 8)
a'' = fromIntegral a'
writeArray array ix a''
writeBits' array (ix + 1) (count - 8)
withByteArray :: ByteArray -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO a) -> IO a
withByteArray array fun =
do let size = arraySize array
allocaBytes size $ \ptr ->
do copyBytes ptr array 0 size
fun ptr
where copyBytes _ _ _ 0 = return ()
copyBytes ptr arr ix sz =
do poke ptr (arr ! ix)
copyBytes (advancePtr ptr 1) arr (ix + 1)
(sz - 1)
byteArrayFromPtr :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO MutByteArray
byteArrayFromPtr ptr sz =
do array <- emptyByteArray sz
copyBytes array ptr 0 sz
return array
where copyBytes _ _ _ 0 = return ()
copyBytes array ptr ix n =
do e <- peek ptr
writeArray array ix e
copyBytes array (advancePtr ptr 1) (ix + 1)
(n - 1)
instance Show MutByteArray where
show a = show $ unsafePerformIO $ getElems a
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