[Haskell-cafe] Substring replacements

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Sun Dec 11 19:14:37 EST 2005

Okay, I have looked up KMP and implemented it.
Seems to work -- my first use of QuickCheck, too.
It's slower than Bulat's and Tomasz' for Branimir's test :-(,
but really fast for my test.
Undoubtedly, one can still tune it.
Here's the code:

module KMP where

import Data.Array

searchReplace :: String -> String -> String -> String
searchReplace "" _ str = str
searchReplace src@(c:cs) dst str = process 0 str ""
      len = length src
      pat = listArray (0,len-1) src
      bord = array (0,len) $
        (0,-1):(1,0):[(i+1,boun i (bord!i)) | i <- [1 .. len-1]]
      boun i j
         | j < 0          = 0
	 | pat!i == pat!j = j+1
	 | otherwise      = boun i (bord!j)
      getBord s n
         | m < 1      = m
	 | s == pat!m = m
	 | otherwise  = getBord s m
	     m = bord!n
      process n str _ | n >= len = dst ++ process 0 str ""
      process _ "" mat = reverse mat
      process 0 (s:st) _
         | s == c    = process 1 st [s]
	 | otherwise = s:process 0 st ""
      process n str@(s:st) mat
         | s == pat!n = process (n+1) st (s:mat)
	 | otherwise  = let j = getBord s n
	                    (ret,skip) = splitAt j mat
			in if j < 0 then reverse mat ++ process 0 str ""
			   else reverse skip ++ process j str ret


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