[Haskell-cafe] RE: Substring replacements (was: Differences in
optimisiation ...)
Branimir Maksimovic
bmaxa at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 10 21:19:22 EST 2005
After seeing your test, I've implemented full KMP algorithm, which
is blazingly fast with your test. It is slower in mine test due excessive
I guess, but perhaps you can help me to make it better as I'm just Haskell
You can see that by my code :0)
Especially I'm clumsy with passing parameters around.
main :: IO ()
main =let src = replicate 1000 'r'
dst = " # "
str = replicate 999 'r' ++ 'c': replicate 1000 'r'
out = searchReplace src dst $ concat $ replicate 500 str
out1 = searchReplace src dst $ concat $ replicate 501 str
in do putStrLn $ "Working very long"
putStrLn $ show (out == out1) ++ "\nDone"
searchReplace :: String->String->String -> String
searchReplace sr rp xs = searchr sr rp xs ""
searchr :: String->String->String->String -> String
searchr [] _ xs _ = xs
searchr _ _ [] _ = []
searchr sr rp xs rollBack | fst $ fst fnd = rp
++ searchr sr rp (snd $ snd $
fst fnd)
(snd fnd)
| otherwise = reverse ((fst $ snd $ fst $ fnd) ++ rollBack)
++ searchr sr rp (snd $ snd $ fst fnd)
(snd fnd)
where fnd = searchr' (drop (length rollBack) sr) xs ""
searchr' :: String->String->String -> ((Bool,(String,String)),String)
searchr' (sr:srs) xs fndSoFar = searchr'' (sr:srs) xs fndSoFar
(False,False,"") sr
searchr'' :: String->String->String->(Bool,Bool,String)->Char
-> ((Bool,(String,String)),String)
searchr'' [] xs fnd _ _ = ((True,(fnd,xs)),"")
searchr'' _ [] fnd _ _ = ((False,(fnd,[])),"")
searchr'' (sr:srs) (x:xs) fndSoFar (cnt,f,rollBack) s
| sr == x = if cnt && (f || s == x)
then searchr'' srs xs fndSoFar (True,True,x:rollBack) s
else searchr'' srs xs (x:fndSoFar) (True,False,"") s
| otherwise = if not f
then ((False,searchr''' s (x:xs) fndSoFar),"")
else ((False,(fndSoFar,x:xs)),rollBack)
searchr''' :: Char->String->String -> (String,String)
searchr''' sr [] fndSoFar = (fndSoFar,[])
searchr''' sr (x:xs) fndSoFar | sr/=x = searchr''' sr xs (x:fndSoFar)
| otherwise = (fndSoFar,x:xs)
Optimiser works extremilly well with this version in combination with
your test:
$ ghc -fglasgow-exts -O2 searchr.hs --make -o searchr.exe
Chasing modules from: searchr.hs
Compiling Main ( searchr.hs, searchr.o )
Linking ...
bmaxa at MAXA ~/tutorial
$ time searchr.exe
Working very long
real 0m0.250s
user 0m0.031s
sys 0m0.000s
Wow, just 0.25 seconds! No c++ program can approach near that!
Perhaps I have bug somewhere but I've compared results
with yours searchrep and seems same.
Greetings, Bane.
>From: Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fischer at web.de>
>To: "Branimir Maksimovic" <bmaxa at hotmail.com>
>CC: Haskell-Cafe at haskell.org
>Subject: Substring replacements (was: Differences in optimisiation ...)
>Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2005 22:56:10 +0100
>Am Samstag, 10. Dezember 2005 02:51 schrieben Sie:
> > From: Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fischer at web.de>
> >
> > >To: "Branimir Maksimovic" <bmaxa at hotmail.com>
> > >CC: Haskell-Cafe at haskell.org
> > >Subject: Re: Differences in optimisiation with interactive and compiled
> > >Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 23:27:00 +0100
> > >
> > >Still doesn't work, though:
> > >
> > >*Main> searchr "hahal" "jupp" "hahahalala"
> > >"hahahalala"
> > >
> > >The problem is that the string to replace may contain a repeated
> > >and the pattern that begins the actual occurence might be consumed
> > > a failure is detected.
> >
> > Yes, I've corrected it. Now it is just 25% faster and that is only with
> > flag.
> > Here is whole thing, I hope there are no more bugs left :) :
> >
>None that sprang to my eyes. However, on my machine, yours is not faster
>Now, using the new Strings, I get the following times:
> -O2 -O1 no opt
>Lemmih's: 38.9 sec 38.9 sec 76.7 sec
>Yours : 40.1 sec 41.5 sec 131.1 sec
>Mine : 32.9 sec 33.1 sec 82.8 sec.
>However, there's a problem with Lemmih's replace:
>*Main> searchr "ababcab" "###" "ababcababcabab"
>*Main> replace "ababcab" "###" "ababcababcabab"
>due to the fact that Lemmih's version scans the input from right to left
>(that's easily changed by a few reverses, though -- but costly for long
>inputs), more serious is
>Prelude Main> replace "ja" "aja" "jjjjjjja"
>The fastest -- and nicely simple above -- that I could come up with is
>replace :: String -> String -> String -> String
>replace _ _ "" = ""
>replace "" _ str = str
>replace src dst inp
> = process inp
> where
> n = length src
> process "" = ""
> process st@(c:cs)
> | src `isPrefixOf` st = dst ++ process (drop n st)
> | otherwise = c:process cs
>It's roughly 10% faster than my other version on "seasearch" ...
>and if you try it on
>main2 :: IO ()
>main2 = let src = replicate 1000 'r'
> dst = " # "
> str = replicate 999 'r' ++ 'c': replicate 1000 'r'
> out = replace src dst $ concat $ replicate 500 str
> out1 = replace src dst $ concat $ replicate 501 str
> in do putStrLn $ "Working very long"
> putStrLn $ show (out == out1) ++ "\nDone"
>you'll see a real difference. I'm not sure, why your algorithm pays a so
>higher penalty, though. Maybe, it'll be faster if you make searchr' &c
>functions? I'll try.
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