[Haskell-cafe] Tail-call optimization
Bulat Ziganshin
bulatz at HotPOP.com
Sat Dec 10 16:58:19 EST 2005
Hello Joel,
Saturday, December 10, 2005, 11:41:52 PM, you wrote:
JR> I always wandered, does ghc do tail-call optimization?
ghc does this. but only first of your examples is tail-called. second
recursively creates exception hadnlers around your code. just try to
textually replace call to writeLoop with its contents:
writeLoop :: (Event a -> IO ()) -> Handle -> (SSL, BIO, BIO) -> IO ()
writeLoop post h ssl =
do handle (\e -> post $ NetworkError e) $
do cmd <- read h ssl
post $! Cmd $! cmd
writeLoop post h ssl =
do handle (\e -> post $ NetworkError e) $
do cmd <- read h ssl
post $! Cmd $! cmd
writeLoop post h ssl =
do handle (\e -> post $ NetworkError e) $
do cmd <- read h ssl
post $! Cmd $! cmd
and so on... :)
JR> Would it optimize the two variants of the function below or just the
JR> first one?
what you want to do after exception is handled? exit writeLoop or go
to next loop? depending on it use one of following:
writeLoop post h ssl =
do handle (\e -> post $ NetworkError e) $
repeat_foreverM $
do cmd <- read h ssl
post $! Cmd $! cmd
writeLoop post h ssl =
repeat_foreverM $
do handle (\e -> post $ NetworkError e) $
do cmd <- read h ssl
post $! Cmd $! cmd
repeat_foreverM action = do
repeat_foreverM action
btw, i also has the follwing control structures:
concatMapM :: Monad io => (a -> io [b]) -> [a] -> io [b]
concatMapM f x = mapM f x >>== concat
whenM cond action = do
allow <- cond
when allow
whenJustM x action = x >>= maybe (return Nothing) action
repeat_whileM inp cond out = do
x <- inp
if (cond x)
then do out x
repeat_whileM inp cond out
else return x
repeat_untilM action = do
done <- action
when (not done) $ do
repeat_untilM action
doChunks size chunk action =
case size of
0 -> return ()
_ -> do let n = minI size chunk
action (fromIntegral n)
doChunks (size-n) chunk action
recursiveM action x = action x >>= mapM_ (recursiveM action)
mapMaybeM :: Monad m => (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> m [b]
mapMaybeM f = go []
where go accum [] = return$ reverse accum
go accum (x:xs) = f x >>= maybe ( go accum xs)
(\r -> go (r:accum) xs)
Best regards,
Bulat mailto:bulatz at HotPOP.com
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