[Haskell-cafe] Can't Haskell catch up with Clean's uniqueness typing?

Wolfgang Jeltsch wolfgang at jeltsch.net
Thu Dec 8 12:13:32 EST 2005

Am Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2005 04:00 schrieb Jan-Willem Maessen:
> On Dec 7, 2005, at 9:58 AM, Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
> > Am Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2005 14:21 schrieb Jan-Willem Maessen:
> >> [...]
> >>
> >> The principle obstacles are the same as for any reference counting
> >> scheme:  It imposes more run-time overhead than GC does, unless the data
> >> structures involved are large.
> >
> > Why?  I think the point with uniqueness typing/analysis is that
> > this is done at *compile-time*.
> But the email asked if there were some other way of doing this using
> run-time techniques in the absence of such a type system (or at
> least, that was the way I understood it, and the spirit of my answer).

I thought that the original question was about using some kind of uniqueness 
type system at an intermediate stage during compiling.  Haskell would still 
have no uniqueness types but the compiler would infer uniqueness types 
internally and use the uniqueness information it gets from this.

> -Jan

> [...]

Best wishes,

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