[Haskell-cafe] Differences in optimisiation with interactive and
compiled mode
Cale Gibbard
cgibbard at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 09:26:11 EST 2005
GHCi does things with optimisations off. Note the line on startup which says:
Compiling Main ( search.hs, interpreted )
You'll have better luck if you compile the code with optimisations and
keep the .o files around when running the program in ghci -- it will
notice the compiled copies and load those instead. You'll see
something like:
Skipping Main ( search.hs, search.o )
Also note that your 'infinite' function is in the prelude. It's called 'cycle'.
- Cale
On 08/12/05, Branimir Maksimovic <bmaxa at hotmail.com> wrote:
> It seems that compiled programs run better then interactive ones.
> Following program with GHC works with pretty good performance in comparison
> to C++
> one with similar but non recursive algorithm and beats it in memory
> consumtion. It only takes
> about 2mb of ram somehow when running compiled. I'm really amased.
> But in interactive mode both GHC and Hugs fail due heap exhaustion and
> running
> takes ages.Please can someone explain why?
> I intent to use only compiled Haskell anyway so GHC satisfies.
> Greetings, Bane.
> program performs search replace on a String
> module Main where
> import IO
> main = do
> hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
> let sr = "search"
> rp = "replace"
> str= " able search sea baker search charlie \""
> out = searchr sr rp (take (1000000*(length str)) $ infinite
> str)
> out1 = searchr sr rp (take (1000001*(length str)) $ infinite
> str)
> putStrLn $ "Working:" ++ sr ++ " " ++ rp ++ " " ++ str
> putStrLn $ (show (out == out1)) ++ "\n" ++ "\nDone\n"
> {- search replace " able search baker search charlie " -}
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> infinite xs = xs ++ infinite xs
> searchr :: String->String->String -> String
> searchr [] _ xs = xs
> searchr _ [] xs = xs
> searchr _ _ [] = []
> searchr sr rp xs | fst fnd = rp ++ searchr sr rp (snd $ snd fnd)
> | otherwise = (reverse $ fst $ snd fnd) ++
> searchr sr rp (snd $ snd fnd)
> where fnd = searchr' sr xs ""
> searchr' :: String->String->String -> (Bool,(String,String))
> searchr' (sr:srs) xs fndSoFar = searchr'' (sr:srs) xs fndSoFar sr
> searchr'' :: String->String->String->Char -> (Bool,(String,String))
> searchr'' [] xs fnd _ = (True,(fnd,xs))
> searchr'' _ [] fnd _ = (False,(fnd,[]))
> searchr'' (sr:srs) (x:xs) fndSoFar s | sr == x = searchr'' srs xs xxs s
> | otherwise = (False,searchr''' s xs
> xxs) -- (False,(xxs,xs))
> where xxs = x:fndSoFar
> searchr''' :: Char->String->String -> (String,String)
> searchr''' sr [] fndSoFar = (fndSoFar,[])
> searchr''' sr (x:xs) fndSoFar | sr /= x = searchr''' sr xs (x:fndSoFar)
> | otherwise = (fndSoFar,x:xs)
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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