[Haskell-cafe] Re: Examining the Haskell stack (read at your own risk ; -))

Joel Reymont joelr1 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 09:17:05 EST 2005

On Dec 2, 2005, at 2:08 PM, Simon Marlow wrote:

> It looks like your crash happened in the SSL library, and you have a
> useful stack trace there.

This is contrived in that I already know where the error is and it  
clearly points to SSL_free. I'm trying to figure out how I would have  
gotten to that call to getHostByName.

> r22 is a pointer to the stack, not a pointer to code, so you can't
> disassemble it, you need to display memory (as I described in separate
> mail).

Quoting you:

   gdb> p16 $r22

which prints 16 words of memory backwards (the way I like it) starting
at the addresss in $r22.  when displaying memory this way, gdb very
handily prints the symbol name for words that point into the program.
You can then pick things off the stack that look like return addresses
and disassemble them, if you want.

And p16 is defined in .gdbinit as:

define p16
pmem $arg0 16

Printing the 16 words gives me the printout below but where do I find  
my Haskell function? The code tha causes the crash looks like this:

maybeFreeSSL :: MaybeSSL -> IO ()
maybeFreeSSL tmv =
     do putStrLn $ "maybeFreeSSL invoked"
        mssl <- atomically $ swapTMVar tmv Nothing
        case mssl of
          Nothing -> return ()
          Just (ssl, _, _) -> do sslFree ssl
                                 sslFree ssl

Is there a way to have maybeFreeSSL in the trace? I compiled the app  
with -debug but the libraries and the above maybeFreeSSL code was  
compiled without it.

	Thanks, Joel


Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x00000019
0x00568fe0 in sk_pop_free ()
(gdb) p16 $r22
0x137a40c:      0x1ce63c <stg_NO_TREC_closure>
0x137a408:      0x0
0x137a404:      0x0
0x137a400:      0x18fd0 <stg_TREC_HEADER_info>
0x137a3fc:      0xd6dbc <stg_stop_thread_info>
0x137a3f8:      0xd6f38 <stg_noforceIO_info>
0x137a3f4:      0x13ef148
0x137a3f0:      0x0
0x137a3ec:      0x2605c <stg_catch_frame_info>
0x137a3e8:      0x25c80 <stg_unblockAsyncExceptionszh_ret_info>
0x137a3e4:      0x13ef150
0x137a3e0:      0x27030 <s3BN_info>
0x137a3dc:      0x1d22cc <GHCziConc_lvl7_closure>
0x137a3d8:      0x26f6c <s3BK_info>
0x137a3d4:      0x13f38f4
0x137a3d0:      0x243f4 <s7Fy_info>
0x137a3cc:      0xc3270 <s7FI_info>


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