[Haskell-cafe] Haskell poker server
Tomasz Zielonka
tomasz.zielonka at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 07:48:12 EDT 2005
On Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 01:31:22PM +0200, Joel Reymont wrote:
> Can I beg for examples?
This is from some old code, slightly polished for presentation - the
code for parsing DNS domain name label in DNS packets:
parseLabel :: CharParser st Label
parseLabel = (<?> "label") $ do
len <- byte
guard (len <= 63)
s <- count (fromIntegral len) anyChar
return $! stringToLabel s
Today I would rather process Word8 lists:
type ByteParser a = GenParser Word8 st a
parseLabel :: ByteParser st Label
Here is a parser for the whole DNS message:
parseMessage :: CharParser st Domain -> CharParser st Message
parseMessage pDomain =
msgid <- parseMsgID
header <- parseMsgHeader
qdcount <- fmap fromIntegral beWord16
ancount <- fmap fromIntegral beWord16
nscount <- fmap fromIntegral beWord16
arcount <- fmap fromIntegral beWord16
questions <- count qdcount (parseQuestion pDomain)
answers <- count ancount (parseRR pDomain)
auth <- count nscount (parseRR pDomain)
additional <- count arcount (parseRR pDomain)
return (Message {
msgID = msgid,
msgHeader = header,
msgQuestions = questions,
msgAnswers = answers,
msgAuth = auth,
msgAdditional = additional
The pDomain parameter is for dealing with DNS domain suffix compression
- parsing a domain name may require jumping to an earlier part of the
message. Today I would either use a MonadReader to hide this parameter,
or a different parser monad with random access.
In another application for reading some binary files I defined a
BinaryParser monad, with one implementation using Parsec and another
using unboxed arrays. IIRC, the implementation using UArrays was about
30-60 times faster than the one using parsec, probably because Parsec
uses lists. Surprisingly, the biggest speed boost was caused (again IIRC)
by writing a specialised "times" implementation for the UArray version.
class (Functor m, Monad m) => BinaryParser m where
byte :: m Word8
bytes :: Int -> m (UArray Int Word8)
bytes n = do
l <- count n byte
return $! (listArray (0, n-1) l)
int8 :: m Int8
int16 :: m Int16
int32 :: m Int32
int64 :: m Int64
word16 :: m Word16
word32 :: m Word32
word64 :: m Word64
word16 = fmap fromIntegral int16
word32 = fmap fromIntegral int32
word64 = fmap fromIntegral int64
asciiz :: m (UArray Int Word8)
asciiz = do
s <- decodeStr []
return $! (listArray (0, length s - 1) s)
decodeStr acc = do
b <- byte
if b == 0
then return (reverse acc)
else decodeStr (b : acc)
eof :: m ()
atEof :: m Bool
times :: Int -> m a -> m [a]
times = count
Again, I would do it a bit differently today. For example, this
interface says nothing about endianness.
Recently I've used a different interface for a different protocol. This
is a state monad where the state is a slice of the buffer:
newtype BufferReader a
instance Monad BufferReader
instance MonadZero BufferReader
byteAt :: Int -> BufferReader Word8
-- changes the state for subsequent computation
skip :: Int -> BufferReader ()
-- runs the given computation in a slice
slicing :: Int -> Int -> BufferReader a -> BufferReader a
slicing start len br = ...
many :: BufferReader a -> BufferReader [a]
runBufferReader :: WithBuffer b => b -> BufferReader a -> IO (Either String a)
darcs' FastPackedString module, which was recently put into a separate
library by Don Stewart (http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons/code/fps),
could be nice for parsing binary messages, because:
- it is (supposed to be) fast and memory efficient
- supports fast (O(1)) random access and slices (tailPS, initPS, dropPS, takePS)
with purely functional interface
- is based on bytes
But I am slightly worried about the possibility of space leaks, when a
small slice holds the entire message in memory.
Random thoughts:
- I am often using Template Haskell to automate the generation of
parsers and unparsers (it helps tremendously when you have many
data types with many fields to parse/unparse, and even more if the
protocol changes often)
- there are some libraries for dealing with serialisation in Haskell,
for example : http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/ekarttun/SerTH/
- there is an attempt to write an operating system in Haskell:
you can check how it handles IP4/UDP/TCP headers
Best regards
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