[Haskell-cafe] Haskell poker server

Alistair Bayley abayley at gmail.com
Sun Aug 28 17:58:05 EDT 2005

> I wrote a poker server in Erlang (link in signature) and I'm learning
> Haskell with an eye towards using it with Erlang. Erlang would take
> care of the overall control, etc. whereas Haskell would take care of
> the rest. I'm stuck with the basics I'm afraid and Haskell hackers
> don't seem to be active this weekend ;).

There's a public holiday on Monday in the UK; I don't know about other
European states...

I should have mentioned darcs: http://darcs.net/

A distributed revision control system is bound to contain some good
networking examples.

> I'm trying to write the poker server in Haskell to compare against my
> other implementations, specifically the Erlang one. The server talks
> a binary protocol. A packet notifying the player that a game has
> started looks like this:
> 0    1     5     7
> +----+-----+-----+
> | 24 | GID | Seq |
> +----+-----+-----+
> I'm wondering, though, if someone would be kind enough to show how a
> packet like above could be sent and retrieved using Haskell sockets.
> I think this would serve as an excellent example to be posted at the
> Haskell Wiki. I also think that Haskell has a lot of interesting
> features that could well simplify my poker coding. I just need a
> little help to get started.

Below is a contrived, non-optimal first attempt. The server just reads
seven bytes from the socket, prints them, and quits. And the client
just sends seven bytes and quits. This is not good example code from
just about any POV (for example: the client sending a byte-at-a-time,
no interrupt masks, no exception handling), but it does show that you
can send and receive bytes. The possibly dismaying thing is that you
need code from networking, IO, and FFI libraries, so there are quite a
few API's to digest.


module Server where

import Network
import System.IO
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.Ptr
import Data.Word
import Control.Monad (when)

main = withSocketsDo run

run = do
  sock <- listenOn (PortNumber 8080)
  (handle, _, _) <- accept sock
  getSevenBytes handle
  hClose handle
  sClose sock

getSevenBytes handle = do
  allocaBytes 7 $ \buffer -> do
    readCount <- hGetBuf handle buffer 7
    printBytes buffer (readCount-1)

printBytes buffer count = printByte buffer count 0

printByte buffer count n = do
  b <- peekByteOff buffer n
  -- tell compiler what type of data is in buffer: Word8
  let byte :: Word8; byte = b
  putStrLn $ "Byte " ++ (show n) ++ ": " ++ (show byte)
  when (count > n) (printByte buffer count (n+1))


module Client where

import Network
import System.IO
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Data.Word

main = withSocketsDo $ do
  handle <- connectTo "localhost" (PortNumber 8080)
  putByte handle 24
  putByte handle 1
  putByte handle 2
  putByte handle 3
  putByte handle 4
  putByte handle 5
  putByte handle 6
  hClose handle

putByte :: Handle -> Word8 -> IO ()
putByte handle byte = do
  allocaBytes 1 $ \buffer -> do
    poke buffer byte
    hPutBuf handle buffer 1

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