[Haskell-cafe] Problem type checking class-method implementation
Ralf Lammel
ralfla at microsoft.com
Wed Aug 3 06:14:46 EDT 2005
the problem can be spotted in the following erased version of your
data Identity a
instance Monad Identity
class (Monad m) => IsItem m i where
processItem :: i -> m ()
class (Monad m) => IsProcessor p m | m -> p where
process :: (IsItem m i) => i -> m ()
newtype Item m = Item {processItemImpl :: m ()}
newtype ProcessorT p m a = ProcessorT {runProcessorT :: m a}
instance (Monad m) => Monad (ProcessorT p m)
instance (Monad m) => IsProcessor p (ProcessorT p m)
newtype Processor p a = Processor {unwrap :: ProcessorT p Identity a}
instance Monad (Processor p) where
castItem :: (IsItem (Processor p) i) => i -> Item (ProcessorT p
castItem = undefined
instance IsProcessor p (Processor p) where
process = Processor . process . castItem
Recall the type error:
Could not deduce (IsItem (Processor p1) i)
from the context (IsProcessor p (Processor p),
Monad (Processor p),
IsItem (Processor p) i)
The problem is basically in here:
instance IsProcessor p (Processor p) where
process = Processor . process . castItem
By specializing function signatures according to the instance head,
and by applying type checking constraints for functional composition,
we get these types:
Processor :: ProcessorT p Identity () -> Processor p ()
process :: process :: ( IsProcessor p (ProcessorT p Identity)
, IsItem (ProcessorT p1 Identity) ()
=> Item (ProcessorT p1 Identity)
-> ProcessorT p Identity ()
castItem :: (IsItem (Processor p1) i) =>
i -> Item (ProcessorT p1 Identity)
The problem is the type-scheme polymorphic result type of
castItem which is consumed by a type-variable polymorphic
but type-class bounded argument type of process.
The constraint of this application process, i.e.,
IsItem (Processor p1) i
is the one GHC asks for.
(Do the hugs test :-))
> -----Original Message-----
> From: haskell-cafe-bounces at haskell.org [mailto:haskell-cafe-
> bounces at haskell.org] On Behalf Of Stefan Holdermans
> Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 1:01 AM
> To: haskell-cafe
> Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Problem type checking class-method
> Dear Haskellers,
> Yesterday I stumbled upon a problem type checking a program involving
> multi-parameter type classes. GHC rejected the program; still, I was
> not immediately convinced it contained a type error. Having given it
> some more thoughts, I start to suspect that the type checker is in err
> and that the program is well-typed after all. But, well, I might be
> overlooking something obvious...
> I have reduced my code to a small but hopelessly contrived example
> program exposing the problem. Please hang on.
> Because we employ multi-parameter type classes, we need the Glasgow
> extensions:
> {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
> Let's start easy and define the identity monad:
> newtype Identity a = Identity {runIdentity :: a}
> instance Monad Identity where
> return = Identity
> Identity a >>= f = f a
> Then, let's introduce the foundations for the (contrived) example:
> class (Monad m) => IsItem m i where
> processItem :: i -> m ()
> class (Monad m) => IsProcessor p m | m -> p where
> process :: (IsItem m i) => i -> m ()
> -- ...some more methods, possibly involving p...
> So, an item is something that can be processed within the context of a
> certain monad, and a processor is something that can process an item
> an appropriate type. Note the functional dependency from m to p: a
> processor type m uniquely determines the type of the processing
> p.
> Before we move on, consider this canonical item type, which is just a
> one-field record representing an implementation of the IsItem class:
> newtype Item m = Item {processItemImpl :: m ()}
> The corresponding instance declaration is obvious:
> instance (Monad m) => IsItem m (Item m) where
> processItem = processItemImpl
> Furthermore values of every type that is an instance of IsItem can be
> converted to corresponding Item values:
> toItem :: (IsItem m i) => i -> Item m
> toItem = Item . processItem
> Please stick with me, for we are now going to implement a monad
> transformer for processors (which, for this example, is really just
> identity monad transformer):
> newtype ProcessorT p m a = ProcessorT {runProcessorT :: m a}
> instance (Monad m) => Monad (ProcessorT p m) where
> return = ProcessorT . return
> ProcessorT m >>= f = ProcessorT (m >>= runProcessorT . f)
> instance (Monad m) => IsProcessor p (ProcessorT p m) where
> process = processItem
> Then, finally, we use this transformer to derive a processor monad:
> newtype Processor p a = Processor {unwrap :: ProcessorT p Identity
> runProcessor :: Processor p a -> a
> runProcessor = runIdentity . runProcessorT . unwrap
> So, we just make sure that Processor is a monad:
> instance Monad (Processor p) where
> return = Processor . return
> Processor m >>= f = Processor (m >>= unwrap . f)
> Now all what is left to do is declare Processor an instance of
> IsProcessor. To this end, we need to be able to cast items for
> Processor p to items for ProcessorT p Identity (for all p). The
> following function takes care of that:
> castItem :: (IsItem (Processor p) i) => i -> Item (ProcessorT p
> Identity)
> castItem = Item . unwrap . processItem
> Note that up 'til now everything is fine: GHC is happy, I am happy.
> then,
> when all the hard work is done, and we just only have to connect
> properly, it just breaks:
> instance IsProcessor p (Processor p) where
> process = Processor . process . castItem
> After adding this last instance declaration, GHC happily reports:
> Processor.hs:56:24:
> Could not deduce (IsItem (ProcessorT p Identity)
> (Item (ProcessorT p1 Identity)))
> from the context (IsProcessor p (Processor p),
> Monad (Processor p),
> IsItem (Processor p) i)
> arising from use of `process' at Processor.hs:56:24-30
> Probable fix:
> add (IsItem (ProcessorT p Identity) (Item (ProcessorT p1
> Identity)))
> to the class or instance method `process'
> or add an instance declaration for
> (IsItem (ProcessorT p Identity)
> (Item (ProcessorT p1 Identity)))
> In the first argument of `(.)', namely `process'
> In the second argument of `(.)', namely `process . castItem'
> In the definition of `process': process = Processor . (process .
> castItem)
> Processor.hs:56:34:
> Could not deduce (IsItem (Processor p1) i)
> from the context (IsProcessor p (Processor p),
> Monad (Processor p),
> IsItem (Processor p) i)
> arising from use of `castItem' at Processor.hs:56:34-41
> Probable fix:
> add (IsItem (Processor p1) i) to the class or instance method
> `process'
> or add an instance declaration for (IsItem (Processor p1) i)
> In the second argument of `(.)', namely `castItem'
> In the second argument of `(.)', namely `process . castItem'
> In the definition of `process': process = Processor . (process .
> castItem)
> It seems to me that the type checker fails to unify p and p1 where it
> really should. But once again: I may be wrong here. So, could you
> either explain to me what I'm missing here and why this program is
> indeed ill-typed, or confirm that it's really just GHC that should be
> accepting this program.
> I have attached a file Processor.hs containing the example program.
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