[Haskell-cafe] a simple algebra for creating & editing values
Conal Elliott
conal at conal.net
Fri Apr 22 20:48:01 EDT 2005
I've been playing a simple idea for creating and editing values, and I'd
appreciate some feedback on whether or not this idea is well-explored
territory. The idea is to construct functions that direct
transformations (functions or other arrow-typed values) to the insides
of values.
This note is a literate Haskell program briefly demonstrating the idea.
It runs under hugs and ghc/ghci.
> module Path where
> import Control.Arrow
Consider, for example, a value of type (a->(f,b->(c,g)),e), and Suppose
we'd like to apply a function to the c part. We'd want a transformation
> p1 :: (c->c') -> (a->(f,b->(c ,g)),e)
> -> (a->(f,b->(c',g)),e)
To define p1, simply list the steps taken to get to the type c in the
type (a->(f,b->(c,g)),e), as follows:
> p1 = first.result.second.result.first
Function arguments may be edited also. In general, the part-changer (of
type c->c' in p1) will need to have its domain and range types swapped
if it appears in a negative position.
> p2 :: (b'->b) -> (d->(a,b)->c) -> (d->(a,b')->c)
> p2 = result.argument.second
> p3a :: (a->a') -> ((a->b)->c) -> ((a'->b)->c)
> p3a = argument.argument
> p3b :: (a->a') -> ((((e,a)->b),d)->c) -> ((((e,a')->b),d)->c)
> p3b = argument.first.argument.second
The "first" and "second" path components are simply the Arrow methods of
those names. As for "result" and "argument", for functions, we can
> result :: (b->b') -> (a->b)->(a->b')
> argument :: (a'->a) -> (a->b)->(a'->b)
>From the types, you can guess the definitions:
> result = (.)
> argument = flip (.)
(BTW, Fritz Ruehr pointed out in his Feb 20 haskell-cafe note that
compositions of (.) can be used to "compose a 1-argument function with
an n-argument function".)
Generalizing to arrows, look at the types of the "first" and "second"
Arrow methods:
> class Arrow arrow where
> first :: arrow a a' -> arrow (a, b) (a', b )
> second :: arrow b b' -> arrow (a, b) (a', b )
> ...
Similarly, define "result" and "argument" as methods of a new class:
> class Arrow arrow => ArrowRA arrow where
> result :: arrow b b' -> arrow (a->b) (a ->b')
> argument :: arrow a' a -> arrow (a->b) (a'->b )
> instance ArrowRA (->) where
> result = (.)
> argument = flip (.)
(I've also defined ArrowRA instances for GUI construction and for
Haskell code generation.)
Here's a suitable second argument for p1:
> has1 :: (Bool -> (Bool, String -> (String, Int)), Bool)
> has1 = (\ a->(not a, \ b->("hello"++b,3)), True)
To see the result, fill in function arguments
> x1 :: (Bool -> (f, String -> cg), e) -> ((f, cg), e)
> x1 = first (second ($" world") . ($True))
and test:
> t1a = x1 $ has1 -- ((False,("hello world",3)),True)
> t1b = x1 $ p1 reverse has1 -- ((False,("dlrow olleh",3)),True)
> t1c = x1 $ p1 length has1 -- ((False,(11,3)),True)
Here's a suitable second argument for p2:
> has2 :: Bool->(String,Int)->Bool
> has2 b (str,n) = b && length str == n
To see the result, fill in function arguments
> x2 :: (Bool->(String,a)->Bool) -> a ->Bool
> x2 f a = f True ("string",a)
For testing:
> t2a = x2 (p2 length has2) "bow" -- False
> t2b = x2 (p2 ($ "fiddle") has2) length -- True
These transformation paths allow us to apply a function inside of a
value. What about applying a function that itself is inside some value.
Transformation paths can do this job also, if we combine them with
reverse application.
In general, both the function and its argument may be buried inside of
values. In that case, we might want the function's context to end up on
the outside and the argument's context on the inside, or vice versa.
> applyF pathF pathX hasF hasX =
> pathF (\ f -> pathX (\ x -> f x) hasX) hasF
> applyX pathF pathX hasF hasX =
> pathX (\ x -> pathF (\ f -> f x) hasF) hasX
As an example,
> hasF1 = ("square", (^2))
> hasX1 = (3,"three")
> t3a = applyF second first hasF1 hasX1 -- ("square",(9,"three"))
> t3b = applyX second first hasF1 hasX1 -- (("square",9),"three")
How about some other type constructors, besides (,) and (->)? Try
> class Arrow arrow => ArrowL arrow where
> elementL :: arrow a a' -> arrow [a] [a']
> instance ArrowL (->) where elementL = map
Generalizing from [] to any functor:
> class Arrow arrow => ArrowF arrow where
> elementF :: Functor f => arrow a a' -> arrow (f a) (f a')
> instance ArrowF (->) where elementF = fmap
The following example combines all four transformation combinators so
> p4 :: (b'->b) -> (a->Maybe(b,d)->c) -> (a->Maybe(b',d)->c)
> p4 = result.argument.elementF.first
- Conal
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