[Haskell-cafe] The implementation of functional languages

David Barton dlb at patriot.net
Tue Sep 21 08:30:29 EDT 2004

John Meacham writes:
> > >I am looking for the book "The implementation of Functional
> > >Programming languages" by S. L. Peyton Jones.

> > This book is out of print and currently there is no electronic version
> > of it. The Haskell bookstore folk are working on reconstructing it and
> > making it available for print-on-demand,
> > http://www.cafepress.com/haskell_books/, but it's not clear when
> > exactly it will be available.
> >
> > Your other option is to try to find a used copy, but they are pretty
> > expensive.
> I am working on getting that book available in the haskell bookstore. I
> searched quite a while before I found a used printed copy at a
> reasonable price and my search was part of my motivation for creating
> the bookstore.
> It is a bit trickier than the other books on the site because I only
> have a scanned in copy of the print version to work with, rather than
> LaTeX source. but I should have time this week to get it online.
>         John

My wife (mainly) and I, with Simon's permission, have been working on
getting a web-enabled version of this available for quite some time.  It
hovers on the brink of completion, and should be there Real Soon Now as
well.  This will include a web enabled table of contents and next and back

If I'd known how much time she would put in, I'd have never asked her for "a
small favor".......

Dave Barton
EDAptive Computing

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