[Haskell-cafe] no dynamic binding
Tomasz Zielonka
t.zielonka at students.mimuw.edu.pl
Mon Sep 20 05:57:19 EDT 2004
On Sun, Sep 19, 2004 at 02:46:12PM -0400, Abraham Egnor wrote:
> You can use exisential types to do what you'd like. From memory, so
> there are probably errors:
> newtype ServerCommand = forall a. ServerCommandClass a => ServerCommand a
This can't be newtype, you must use 'data'.
> instance ServerCommandClass ServerCommand where
> toString (ServerCommand c) = toString c
> commands :: [ServerCommand]
> commands = [ServerCommand $ DashCommand ..., ServerCommand $ MoveCommand ...]
As it was pointed to me some time ago, you can also achieve this without
existential types, simply by keeping the partially applied methods in
your ServerCommand data type, eg.
data ServerCommand =
{ scToString :: String
or, if you want to avoid memoizing the toString result in this case
data ServerCommand =
{ scToString :: () -> String
Best regards,
.signature: Too many levels of symbolic links
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