[Haskell-cafe] wc again (Lists and type classes)

MR K P SCHUPKE k.schupke at imperial.ac.uk
Fri Oct 15 06:03:30 EDT 2004

Have been playing with the idea of a list class like
the one I posted earlier... but now a bit streamlined.

I have implemented wc using this class and a nice buffer
list. The result is something 4 times slower than the
current language-shootout code, but is rather neater.

The restriction on getting the full speed of the current code
is the requirement to freeze the IOUArray to get it out of the
IO monad. This could be solved with an "IOList" type but this
would not be compatible with the types for a 'normal' list.

Here's the code for wc:
main :: IO ()
main = do
   l <- hGetIList 4096 stdin
   print $ wc l ' ' 0 0 0

wc :: List l Word8 => l Word8 -> Char -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (Int,Int,Int)
wc l p i j k
   | p `seq` i `seq` j `seq` k `seq` False = undefined
   | not $ Main.null l, h <- (toEnum . fromEnum . Main.head) l, t <- Main.tail l = case isSpace h of
      False -> wc t h (i + 1) (j + if isSpace p then 1 else 0) k
      _ -> wc t h (i + 1) j (k + if h == '\n' then 1 else 0)
   | otherwise = (i,j,k)

And here's the definition of the list class and instances 
(one is provided for a normal list for reference)

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}

module Main where

import Char
import GHC.IOBase
import System.IO
import Data.Word
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Array.Unboxed

data IList a i e = ICons i i (a i e) (IList a i e) | INil

class List l e where
   nil :: l e
   null :: l e -> Bool
   head :: l e -> e
   tail :: l e -> l e
   (+:) :: e -> l e -> l e

class List (l a i) e => ListPlus l a i e where
   (++:) :: a i e -> l a i e -> l a i e
   part :: a i e -> i -> l a i e -> l a i e

infixr 9 +:
infixr 9 ++:

instance List [] e where
   nil = []
   null (_:_) = False
   null _ = True
   head (a:_) = a
   tail (_:l) = l
   a +: l = a:l

instance (IArray a e,Ix i,Num i) => List (IList a i) e where
   nil = INil
   null INil = True
   null _ = False
   head (ICons i _ a _) = a!i
   head _ = error "head: empty list"
   tail (ICons i j a l)
      | i < j = ICons (i+1) j a l
      | otherwise = l
   tail _ = error "tail: empty list"
   a +: l = ICons 0 0 (array (0,0) [(0,a)]) l

instance (IArray a e,Ix i,Num i) => ListPlus IList a i e where
   a ++: l
      | e >= s = ICons s e a l
      | otherwise = l
      where ~(s,e) = bounds a
   part a i l
      | e >= i = ICons s i a l
      | otherwise = l
      where ~(s,e) = bounds a

hGetIList :: Int -> Handle -> IO (IList UArray Int Word8)
hGetIList bufSize h = do
   mt <- newArray_ (0,bufSize-1)
   ioLoop mt

      ioLoop mt = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
         sz <- hGetArray h mt bufSize
         hd <- freeze mt
         case sz of
            0 -> return nil
            n  | n < bufSize -> do
                  return (part hd (n-1) nil)
               | otherwise -> do
                  tl <- ioLoop mt
                  return (hd ++: tl)


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