[Haskell-cafe] strictness and the simple continued fraction
William Lee Irwin III
wli at holomorphy.com
Sat Oct 9 15:33:53 EDT 2004
So, I discovered that simple continued fractions are supposed to be
spiffy lazy lists and thought I'd bang out some continued fraction code.
But then I discovered ContFrac.hs and couldn't really better it. Of
course, I went about trying to actually do things relying on their
laziness, and discovered they weren't as lazy as I hoped they'd be.
Simple uses of approximations at the ghci command line such as:
instance Ord ContFrac where
(ContFrac (x:xs)) `compare` (ContFrac (y:ys)) =
case x `compare` y of
LT -> LT
GT -> GT
EQ -> (ContFrac ys) `compare` (ContFrac xs)
(ContFrac []) `compare` cf =
case cf of
ContFrac (x:_) -> 0 `compare` x
ContFrac [] -> EQ
cf `compare` (ContFrac []) =
case cf of
ContFrac (x:_) -> x `compare` 0
ContFrac [] -> EQ
x = expCF (1/2)
expCF x | x < 0 = recip . expCF $ negate x
| x == 0 = 1
| x == 1 = let ContFrac es = ecf
in ContFrac (take 100 es)
| otherwise = case x of
ContFrac [y] -> (expCF 1)^y
ContFrac (y:ys) -> if y /= 0
then ((expCF 1)^y)
*(expCF (ContFrac (0:ys)))
else (1+x+x^2/2+x^3/6+x^4/24+x^5/120)
ContFrac [] -> expCF 0
where the instance was added to ContFrac.hs seems to fail to terminate,
where manually reducing things a bit appears to restore termination.
So, what hit me?
-- wli
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