[Haskell-cafe] One-shot? (was: Global variables and stuff)

Keean Schupke k.schupke at imperial.ac.uk
Sat Nov 13 05:23:47 EST 2004

Well lets say:

	userInit <- oneShot realInit

where realInit defines an MVar used for state storage that is used in 
module A to implement
an accumulator. Now module B does some maths using the accumulator, and 
module C does
some maths using the accumulator. If Main uses functions defined in both 
B and C then they
will both be trying to use the _same_ MVar to store their state in - 
which will result in the wrong answer. The following is a contrived 
example, If arith and geom were in the same module, this would be an 
error on the programmers part. But consider if A were in the standard 
libraries, and B and C were two orthogonal extensions by different 
authors, do we really want the situation where they break each other. 
Note: this does not apply to declarations like (i=4) as this is true for 
all time.  The problem is essentially that the declaration in the 
example is mutable. If  mutable-declarations are not exportable, you can 
reasonably say it is the module authors job to make sure all uses of the 
MVar are consistent.

module A
    mVarA <- newMVar 1

    acc :: Int -> IO ()
    acc i = writeMVar mVarA (readMVar mVarA + i)

    val :: IO Int
    val = readMVar mVarA

module B
    import A

    arith :: IO [Int]
    arith = do
       i <- val
       acc (7+val)
       j <- arith
       return (i:j)

module C
    import A

    geom :: IO [Int]
    geom = do
       i <- val
       acc (7*val)
       j <- geom
       return (i:j)

module D
    import B
    import C

    main = do
       a <- arith
       g <- geom
       putStrLn $ show (take 100 a)
       putStrLn $ show (take 100 g)


Adrian Hey wrote:

>On Saturday 13 Nov 2004 9:15 am, Keean Schupke wrote:
>>>I'm not sure I understand what problem you think there is. Are the inits
>>>you're talking about module inits? If so, I don't think there's a problem,
>>>for several reasons.
>>>The idea under discussion is that a top level (x <- newThing) should
>>>be lazy, (no action at all occurs until value of x is demanded). IOW,
>>>it's exactly the same as the current unsafePerformIO hack, but not unsafe
>>>because the compiler knows the semantics. So there is no implied "module
>>Okay - I can see that with lazy semantics this might not be a problem...
>>What happens with
>>the second problem: That where module B uses A internally and C uses A
>>internally, then
>>I write a new module that tries to use B & C together... This
>>potentially breaks B & C. I think
>>you need the extra restriction that the top level '<-' bindings must not
>>be exported. So where
>>does that leave us.
>>Top level inits are safe (I think) iff:
>>    - They are lazy (the definition only happens when required)
>>    - They contain only a subset of IO actions - namely those concerned
>>          with name creation within Haskell that don't actually do any IO.
>>    - They are not exportable from the module that contains them.
>>I think that covers it... have I forgotten anything?
>One of us has :-) Not sure who though.
>I thought I'd covered the second problem you're alluding to already.
>But if you think there's still a problem you'd better elaborate a little
>more. Certainly I see no reason why top level TWI's cannot be exported
>from a module. We don't have this constraint with the unsafePerformIO
>For instance, if I had
> userInit <- oneShot realInit
>is there any reason why userInit can't be safely exported and used
>in many different modules? The whole idea was that it should be.
>Adrian Hey
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