[Haskell-cafe] Context for type parameters of type constructors

MR K P SCHUPKE k.schupke at imperial.ac.uk
Mon Mar 29 17:19:18 EST 2004

>Could not deduce (Num a) from the context (VectorSpace VList)

The problem is in the definition: 

zero                      = VList (repeat 0)

Is "0" an Int or an Integer? 

To define zero, instances need to be parameterised by 
vector type:


class VectorSpace v a where
   zero  :: v a
   add   :: v a -> v a -> v a
   scale :: a -> v a -> v a

instance VectorSpace VList Int where
   zero                      = VList (repeat 0)

instance VectorSpace VList Float where
   zero                      = VList (repeat 0.0)


>Could not deduce (Num a) from the context (VectorSpace VList)

The problem is in the definition: 

zero                      = VList (repeat 0)

Is "0" an Int or an Integer? 

To define zero, instances need to be parameterised by 
vector type:


class VectorSpace v a where
   zero  :: v a
   add   :: v a -> v a -> v a
   scale :: a -> v a -> v a

instance VectorSpace VList Int where
   zero                      = VList (repeat 0)

instance VectorSpace VList Float where
   zero                      = VList (repeat 0.0)



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