[Haskell-cafe] What are Kind errors and how do you fix them?

MR K P SCHUPKE k.schupke at imperial.ac.uk
Wed Mar 24 09:13:49 EST 2004

Erm... okay my mistake thats not the problem... although it is to
with state... 

When decaring a monad the return type is included in the class
definition (it is a constructor class) This means the return value
MUST be the last parameter to the type, so you need:

type ReverseType a string = (string ->(string,a))
data Reverse string a = Reverse (ReverseType a string)

instance Monad (Reverse s) where
   return x = Reverse (\text -> (text,x))
   (Reverse p) >>= k = Reverse p3 where
      p3 s0 = p2 s1 where
         (Reverse p2) = k a
         (s1,a)=p s0

I was confused by the unusual format for bind... I would wtite

instance Monad (Reverse s) where
   return x = Reverse $ \s -> (s,x)
   (Reverse p) >>= k = Reverse $ \s -> case p s of
	(s',a) -> (\(Reverse r) -> r) (k a) s'

or even better define the data type as:

data Reverse string a = Reverse { runReverse :: ReverseType a string }

instance Monad (Reverse s) where
   return x = Reverse $ \s -> (s,x)
   (Reverse p) >>= k = Reverse $ \s -> case p s of
      (s',a) -> runReverse (k a) s'


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