[Haskell-cafe] What versions do I need to compile the fptools?

Ron de Bruijn rondebruijn at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 29 07:07:49 EDT 2004

I want to compile all of the fptools. This is what I

I got all files via CVS. And I did 

But with the make step gcc crashes with an internal
error on Syntax.hi. I already filled in a bug report
(not the most clear of them).  I especially installed
an "old" version of gcc (3.3.3)(I had gcc 3.4.1-2) to
be able to compile the C Macro's correctly. 

For the Haskell compilation I used ghc-6.2.1.
I think there is somewhere somebody that can compile
it, but I need the *exact* versions of the software
needed to do it. 

Is there anyone that *can* compile all of the fptools


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