[Haskell-cafe] Parsec Problem

haskell at alias.spaceandtime.org haskell at alias.spaceandtime.org
Mon Jul 26 23:45:50 EDT 2004


I copied this example exactly from the page


module Parser where
import Data.Char
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Char
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token
price   = lexeme (do{ ds1 <- many1 digit
                    ; char '.'
                    ; ds2 <- count 2 digit
                    ; return (convert 0 (ds1 ++ ds2))
          <?> "price"
            convert n []     = n
            convert n (d:ds) = convert (10*n + digitToInt d) ds

However attempting to compile it gives the error message

    Couldn't match
        `GenParser tok st a'
        `CharParser st1 a1 -> CharParser st1 a1'
        Expected type: GenParser tok st a
        Inferred type: CharParser st1 a1 -> CharParser st1 a1
    Probable cause: `lexeme' is applied to too few arguments in the call
        (lexeme (do
                   ds1 <- many1 digit
                   char '.'
                   ds2 <- count 2 digit
                   return (convert 0 (ds1 ++ ds2))))
    In the first argument of `(<?>)', namely
        `lexeme (do
                   ds1 <- many1 digit
                   char '.'
                   ds2 <- count 2 digit
                   return (convert 0 (ds1 ++ ds2)))'

I wish I knew what that meant.  If someone could explain it and tell me
what's wrong, I'd appreciate it.


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