Bhrein Brannick
bhrein_brannick at
Thu Jan 8 16:25:28 EST 2004
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module Project where
studentInput = [["1", "MmcG", "","",""], ["2", "CM", "GE", "", ""],
["3", "BG", "CM", "GE", "JN"], ["4", "JC", "CM", "GE",
["5", "GE", "DF", "TC", ""], ["6", "BG", "MH", "MH", "JG"],
["7", "JC", "JN", "JN", "JH"], ["8", "JS", "GE", "CM", "RR"],
["9", "NM", "JS", "AM", "JC"], ["10", "MM", "JC", "TS", "GE"],
["11", "JC", "AM", "DF", "MT"], ["12", "CM", "JN", "JH", "DF"],
["13", "BG", "MM", "CM", "AM"], ["14", "CM", "AM", "DF", "GE"],
["15", "DF", "JC", "CM", "JS"], ["16", "MM", "CM", "BG", "AM"],
["17", "GE", "CM", "DF", "AM"], ["18", "JC", "JS", "CM", "JS"],
["19", "JS", "RR", "DF", "JS"], ["20", "CM", "GE", "RR", "JN"],
["21", "CM", "MM", "GE", "GP"], ["22", "", "", "", ""],
["23", "GE", "AM", "CM", "JC"], ["24", "CT", "CT", "CT", "JS"],
["25", "CT", "JH", "", ""], ["26", "JN", "JH", "JN", "JH"],
["27", "JN", "JH", "JH", "MH"], ["28", "JoC", "JN", "", ""],
["29", "JC", "JN", "JN", "JH"], ["30", "JN", "JS", "JoC", "MH"],
["31", "JN", "MH", "JS", "TH"], ["32", "MH", "JN", "MH", ""],
["33", "MH", "JN", "JH", "DoR"], ["34", "JN", "JN", "JN", "JN"],
["35", "JoC", "JoC", "JoC", "CT"], ["36", "MH", "DoR", "AK", "MH"],
["37", "MH", "CT", "JN", "JH"], ["38", "CT", "", "", ""],
["39", "MH", "", "", "CT"], ["40", "CT", "JN", "MH", ""],
["41", "JN", "JN", "JN", "JH"], ["42", "RR", "JC", "AM", "AM"],
["43", "GE", "", "", ""], ["44", "MH", "MH", "RR", "NM"],
["45", "", "", "", ""], ["46", "RR", "JS", "JC", "GP"],
["47", "JS", "JN", "JN", ""], ["48", "JS", "JN", "JN", "JN"],
["49", "TH", "TH", "TH", "TH"], ["50", "JC", "RR", "RR", ""]
staffInput = ["GE", "GE", "MmcG", "BG", "RD", "TC", "JB", "JB", "JM",
"JM", "CM", "CM", "CM",
"NM", "NM", "TS", "MT", "MoC", "AM", "AM", "DF", "DF", "MM", "JW", "JW",
"GP", "CT", "CT", "CT", "JH", "JH", "JoC", "JoC", "JC", "JC", "TH", "TH",
"MH", "DoR", "DoR", "JN", "JN", "AK", "AK", "RR", "RR", "JS", "JS"]
--For Staff input there is 50 names but some are repeated since there is
--not enough staff to accomdate all the students. The staffInput is given
--by their initials
numberOfStudents = length studentInput
studentName i = (studentInput !! (i-1)) !! 0
staffName i = (staffInput !! (i-1))
firstChoice i = (studentInput !! (i-1)) !! 1
secondChoice i = (studentInput !! (i-1)) !! 2
thirdChoice i = (studentInput !! (i-1)) !! 3
fourthChoice i = (studentInput !! (i-1)) !! 4
initialState i = i
--initialstate is the position of the students relative to the staffInput
--i.e student 1 will have GE and student 5 would have RD and so on
weight(i,j) =
if firstChoice i == staffName j
then 0
else if secondChoice i == staffName j
then 4
else if thirdChoice i == staffName j
then 8
else if fourthChoice i == staffName j
then 12
else 16
--Each staffName is given a weighting according to the student ranking
successor s i = s (i+1)
--This is to map it onto the next element let s i = initialstate i
position i s = if i== (s 1) then 1
else 1+(position i (successor s))
--Finds position of student relative to the staffInput
--Try position 9 initialstate initialstate
studentiAssignedToStaff i s = staffName (position i s)
--Shows staffName at a certain position
stWeight s n = if (n==1) then weight((s 1),((numberOfStudents -n) +1))
else (weight ((s 1), ((numberOfStudents -n) +1))) +
(stWeight (successor s) (n-1) )
stateWeight s = stWeight s numberOfStudents
--stateWeight is the sum of i=1 to 50 weight(initialstate i, i) or
--it can be the transposition of initialstate
tr i j x = if (and [i/=x,j/=x]) then x
if (i==x) then j
else i
myMod k n = if ((mod k n)==0) then n
else mod k n
myDiv k n = if ((mod k n)==0) then (div k n) -1
else div k n
trans k x= tr (1+(myDiv k numberOfStudents)) ((myMod k numberOfStudents)) x
--These four lines above transposes two elements in the list i.e our
initialstate is
--[1,2,...,49,50] it will be continously transposed so get a desirable
gFunction s k = if (k==(numberOfStudents*numberOfStudents)) then s
else if (stateWeight s)>(stateWeight (s.(trans k)))
then (s.(trans k))
else gFunction s (k+1)
--gFunction is the state obtained from s by interchanging the ith & jth
--enteries of initialstate such that {stateweight initialstate > stateweight
transpose initialstate}
nextState s = gFunction s 1
--start at initialstate and compute initialstate, gFunction(initialstate),
--gFunction(gFunction(initialstate)) etc
finalState s = if ((stateWeight s) == (stateWeight (nextState s))) then s
else finalState (nextState s)
--Output when stateWeight initialstate == stateweight (nextstate
studentsSupervisor i = studentiAssignedToStaff i (finalState initialState)
--Last line outputs what is the particular students supervisor
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