[Haskell-cafe] [Q] Using Class

Hamilton Richards ham at cs.utexas.edu
Fri Feb 13 11:19:15 EST 2004

At 4:53 PM +0100 2/13/04, Andre Betz wrote:
>I'm a really beginner to haskell and I have a question about using classes.
>I don't now really what this function does. So I will try to use it to see
>what it will put out
>position :: ( Enum a , Eq b ) => b -> [b] -> [a]
>position x = position_snd . zip ( enumFrom $ toEnum 1 )
>     where position_snd [] =  []
>	  position_snd ((p,y):ys) | x == y    = p : position_snd ys
>				  | otherwise =     position_snd ys
>My roblem is now that I don't know how to use it.
>I tried "head position 2 [1,2,3,4]" but I always get an error.

Try this:

    head (position 33 [11,22,33,44,55]) :: Int

You need the () because otherwise head's argument is just position.

You need the ":: Int" because otherwise the type of the result is not 
determined-- on the command line there's not enough context to pick 
out one type from all the types in Enum.

Hope that helps,

Hamilton Richards, PhD           Department of Computer Sciences
Senior Lecturer                  The University of Texas at Austin
512-471-9525                     1 University Station C0500
Taylor Hall 5.138                Austin, Texas 78712-0233
ham at cs.utexas.edu                hrichrds at swbell.net

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