[Haskell-cafe] Parse text difficulty
Conor McBride
ctm at cs.nott.ac.uk
Fri Dec 10 05:21:33 EST 2004
David Menendez wrote:
> Now that I think about it, you can generalize the trick I mentioned
> elsewhere to work over any
> Idiom/Sequence/more-than-a-functor-not-yet-a-monad thingy.
Just to fill in the genealogy: the numeral thing is from Daniel
Fridlender and Mia Indrika's 'Do we need dependent types?', it's
inspired by Olivier Danvy's 'Functional Unparsing' and it was part
of the inspiration for my own 'Faking It'.
> *Main> unL1 $ liftN two (,) (L1 [1,2,3]) (L1 "abc")
> [(1,'a'),(1,'b'),(1,'c'),(2,'a'),(2,'b'),(2,'c'),(3,'a'),(3,'b'),(3,'c')
> ]
> *Main> unL2 $ liftN two (,) (L2 [1,2,3]) (L2 "abc")
> [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')]
My funny brackety notation, cheap hack though it is, spares the counting
idI (,) (L1 [1,2,3]) (L1 "abc") Idi
Here's an idiom I knocked up the other day. It's quite like the zipWith,
except that it pads instead of truncating (so it's like the zero and max
monoid, not the infinity and min monoid).
data Paddy x = Pad [x] x
instance Idiom Paddy where
idi x = Pad [] x
Pad fs fp <%> Pad ss sp = Pad (papp fs ss) (fp sp) where
papp [] [] = []
papp [] ss = map (fp $) ss
papp fs [] = map ($ sp) fs
papp (f : fs) (s : ss) = f s : papp fs ss
I use it for two-dimensional formatting.
type Box = Paddy (Paddy Char)
Idioms have two key good points
(1) they look applicative
(2) they compose without difficulty
If you're willing to make the types distinguish the idioms you're using,
as in choice-lists and vector-lists, then a lot of routine operations wither
to a huddle of combinators sitting under a type signature which actually does
most of the work. Instance inference is like having a great rhythm section:
you hum it, they play it.
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