[Haskell-cafe] Is this a useful higher-order function,
or should I RTFM?
lemmih at gmail.com
Fri Dec 3 14:11:38 EST 2004
Hey Steven,
I find this implementation more intuitive:
import Data.Char
mapWords :: (String -> String) -> String -> String
mapWords fn [] = []
mapWords fn string@(c:cs)
| isSpace c = c:mapWords fn cs
| otherwise = fn word ++ mapWords fn rest
where (word,rest) = break isSpace string
capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize (c:cs) = toUpper c:map toLower cs
main = putStrLn . mapWords capitalize $ teststr
On Fri, 3 Dec 2004 13:28:18 -0500, Steven Huwig <shuwig at columbus.rr.com> wrote:
> I am basically a newbie at Haskell, and have been experimenting with
> it where typically I would use Python. One source of frustration I
> had with the standard library is that "words . unwords" is not an
> identity function. I would like to perform per-word transformations
> and predicates while preserving whitespace. So I implemented
> wordsAndSpaces and unwordsAndSpaces, which I believe to be a decent
> way to get that kind of behavior. In working on this problem, I
> realized that I was looking for a pair of higher-order functions. My
> code and an example of usage is below:
> --
> unravel :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([[a]], [[a]], Int)
> unravel _ [] = ([], [], 0)
> unravel p xs = unravel' ([],[], if p (head xs) then 0 else 1) p xs
> unravel' :: ([[a]], [[a]], Int) -> (a-> Bool) -> [a] -> ([[a]], [[a]],
> Int)
> unravel' (sheep, goats, pos) _ [] = (reverse sheep, reverse goats, pos)
> unravel' acc@(sheep, goats, pos) p rest@(x:xs)
> | p x = unravel' addSheep p (dropWhile p xs)
> | otherwise = unravel' addGoat p (dropWhile (not . p) xs)
> where addSheep = ((takeWhile p rest):sheep, goats, pos)
> addGoat = (sheep, (takeWhile (not . p) rest):goats, pos)
> ravel :: [a] -> ([[a]], [[a]], Int) -> [a]
> ravel zero (sheep, goats, pos)
> | length sheep > length goats =
> concat (zipWith (++) sheep (goats ++ repeat zero))
> | length sheep < length goats =
> concat (zipWith (++) goats (sheep ++ repeat zero))
> | pos == 0 = concat (zipWith (++) sheep goats)
> | otherwise = concat (zipWith (++) goats sheep)
> initcap :: String -> String
> initcap (c:cs) = toUpper c:[toLower c' | c' <- cs]
> wordsAndSpaces = unravel (not . isSpace)
> unwordsAndSpaces = ravel ""
> teststr = "This is a test\n A very\t\t good\ntest"
> main = (putStrLn . unwordsAndSpaces) (map initcap words, spaces, pos)
> where (words, spaces, pos) = wordsAndSpaces teststr
> --
> So unravel takes a predicate and a list, and returns a tuple of two
> lists -- the first is a list of lists of consecutive elements where
> predicate is true, and the second where they are false. Its opposite
> ravel takes a zero element -- to pad out fenceposts -- and the output of
> unravel, and returns the lists all concatenated together.
> I have several questions about this:
> 1) Did I miss something in the Prelude or standard library that gives
> me this functionality, or something close to it?
> 2) Do unravel and ravel have any other practical uses on their own?
> Looking at it, I think they could be used in a single function
> of type
> f :: (a->Bool) -> ([a] -> [a]) -> [a] -> [a]
> that would encapsulate both. E.g.
> mapWords = f (not . isSpace)
> main = putStrLn (mapWords initcap "lots \tof\nwhitespace")
> (syntax not checked for sanity)
> Can one get that function out of the Prelude in an easier manner than
> above? Is there a simpler way to get that functionality besides
> composing ravel and unravel with a map in between?
> 3) The 3-tuple output of unravel looks ugly to me, but I can't think
> of an alternative. For the case where there is an equal number of
> p-groups and not-p-groups, we need to know which side to start the
> zipWith. Does anyone have a better way?
> Any comments and criticism are welcome.
> -- Steven Huwig
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