[Haskell-cafe] Re: Non-technical Haskell question

Benjamin Franksen benjamin.franksen at bessy.de
Wed Dec 1 19:31:17 EST 2004

On Wednesday 01 December 2004 21:18, John Goerzen wrote:
> I also have a very small start on a "haskell for hackers" ("hackers" in
> the non-evil sense) sort of document.  One this doesn't ignore I/O as
> "hard" or "unimportant".  I/O in Haskell doesn't suck.

I come from a similar area (large control systems) and I agree fullheartedly.

> It's just that a 
> lot of people in the community don't have it as a high priority, I
> think.

OTOH, I have the feeling that they are no longer the overwhelming majority.

> I'm also a firm believer that code is one of the best forms of tutorial.

Yes, absolutely. I always learn the fastest when I try to change existing 
code, for whatever reason (if not just to learn).


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