[Haskell-cafe] puzzle: prove this floorSqrt correct
blaetterrascheln at web.de
blaetterrascheln at web.de
Thu Aug 12 08:49:19 EDT 2004
-- Here's the discrete version of Newton's method for finding
-- the square root. Does it always work? Any literature?
floorSqrt :: Integer -> Integer
floorSqrt n | n>=1 = detect (iterate (\x->(x+n`quot`x)`quot`2) 1)
where detect (x:xs@(y:z:_)) | x==z = min x y
| otherwise = detect xs
isFloorSqrt n x = x*x <= n && n < (x+1)*(x+1)
main = print$ all (\n->isFloorSqrt n (floorSqrt n)) [1..1000000]
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