Regex parser for Dfa

Graham Klyne GK at
Fri Oct 24 15:15:37 EDT 2003

At 21:58 23/10/03 -0400, ajb at wrote:
> > A function to construct an (Re Char) from a simple textual representation
> > would be handy.  Maybe I'll tackle that.
>By all means.  Do you have a sourceforge account?  If so, I can easily
>arrange checkin rights.  Better to call it something other than Dfa.

I tackled this as an exercise in writing a lightweight Parsec parser.  A 
copy is attached.

I do have a sourceforge count (GrahamK), but I'm not familiar with the 
procedure for submitting a file.  (I do use CVS locally on my network, but 
not through SSH.)


Graham Klyne
For email: next part --------------
--  $Id: RegexParser.hs,v 1.2 2003/10/24 15:37:38 graham Exp $
--  Copyright (c) 2003, G. KLYNE.  All rights reserved.
--  See end of this file for licence information.
-- |
--  Module      :  RegexParser
--  Copyright   :  (c) 2003, Graham Klyne
--  License     :  GPL V2
--  Maintainer  :  Graham Klyne
--  Stability   :  provisional
--  Portability :  H98
--  This Module implements a simple regular expression parser, yielding
--  a regular expression matcher based on the Dfa library by Andrew Bromage
--  (cf.
--  Uses the Parsec monadic parser library (but not the Parsec tokenizer)

module RegexParser
    ( parseDfaFromString

import Parsec

import Dfa
    ( Re(..)
    , matchRe

-- Define parser state and helper functions

--  N3 parser state
type RegexState = ()

data RegexState = RegexState
        { foo   :: ()   -- Null state?

--  Define top-level parser function:
--  accepts a string and returns a graph or error

-- |Parse a string representation of a regular expression, returning
--  Either:
--  Left  -> a string describing a syntax error in theregular expression,
--  Right -> a Dfa regular expression matcher
--  To use the regular expression matcher, apply function matchRe
--  (or matchRe2) from the Dfa module.
--  Regular expression syntaxd recognized:
--  regex   = reterm*
--  reterm  = reprim reterm1
--  reterm1 = "|" reprim
--          | reprim "*"
--          | reprim "+"
--          | reprim "?"
--          | ()
--  reprim  = "(" regex ")"
--          | "[" crange* "]"
--          | cmatch
--  crange  = cmatch crange1
--  crange1 = "-" cmatch
--          | ()
--  cmatch  = "\" ch
--          | anych
--          | ch
--  anych   = "."
--  ch      = any character not including "(", ")", "[", "]", "\", "."
--  The syntax is interpreted such that special treatment of
--  characters takes precendence over the ch production.
--  The parsed regex is returned as a value of type Re Char,
--  where:
--  data Re t   = ReOr [Re t]
--              | ReCat [Re t]
--              | ReStar (Re t)
--              | RePlus (Re t)
--              | ReOpt (Re t)
--              | ReTerm [t]

parseDfaFromString :: String -> (Either String (Re Char))
parseDfaFromString input =
            pstate = ()
            result = runParser regex pstate "" input
            case result of
                Left  er -> Left (show er)
                Right re -> Right re

--  Syntax productions

type RegexParser a = GenParser Char RegexState a

regex :: RegexParser (Re Char)
regex  =
        do  { rs <- many reterm
            ; return $ ReCat rs

reterm :: RegexParser (Re Char)
reterm =
        do  { r1 <- reprim
            ; rt <- reterm1 r1
            ; return rt

reterm1 :: (Re Char) -> RegexParser (Re Char)
reterm1 r1 =
        do  { char '|'
            ; r2 <- reprim
            ; return $ ReOr [r1,r2]
    <|> do  { char '*'
            ; return $ ReStar r1
    <|> do  { char '+'
            ; return $ RePlus r1
    <|> do  { char '?'
            ; return $ ReOpt r1
    <|> return r1
    <?> "reterm (Regular expression term)"

reprim :: RegexParser (Re Char)
reprim =
        do  { char '('
            ; rp <- regex
            ; char ')'
            ; return rp
    <|> do  { char '['
            ; cr <- many crange
            ; char ']'
            ; return $ ReOr (concat cr)
    <|> do  { c1 <- cmatch
            ; return $ ReTerm c1
    <?> "reprim (Regular expression primary value)"

crange :: RegexParser [(Re Char)]
crange =
        do  { c1 <- cmatch
            ; cr <- crange1 c1
            ; return cr

crange1 :: [Char] -> RegexParser [(Re Char)]
crange1 c1 =
        do  { char '-'
            ; c2 <- cmatch
            ; return $ map ReTerm $ map (:[]) [head c1..head c2]
    <|> return (map ReTerm [c1])
    <?> "crange (Regular expression character or character range)"

cmatch :: RegexParser [Char]
cmatch =
        do  { char '\\'
            ; c <- satisfy (const True)
            ; return [c]
    <|> do  { char '.'
            ; return ['\032'..'\254']   -- mumble
    <|> do  { c <- satisfy $ not . (`elem` "()[]\\.")
            ; return [c]
    <?> "cmatch (escape, '.' or any character other than '(', ')', '[' or ']')"

{-  Test cases, not exhaustive

(Right rei) = parseDfaFromString "(-|+)?[0123456789]+"
testrei1 = matchRe rei "123"      -- True
testrei2 = matchRe rei "+456"     -- True
testrei3 = matchRe rei "-789"     -- True
testrei4 = matchRe rei "00123"    -- True
testrei5 = matchRe rei "+00456"   -- True
testrei6 = matchRe rei "-00789"   -- True
testrei7 = matchRe rei " 123"     -- False
testrei8 = matchRe rei "123 "     -- False
testrei9 = matchRe rei "123x"     -- False
testrei = and
    [ testrei1, testrei2, testrei3, testrei4, testrei5
    , testrei6
    , not testrei7, not testrei8, not testrei9

(Right ref) = parseDfaFromString
testref1 = matchRe ref "123"
testref2 = matchRe ref "+456"
testref3 = matchRe ref "-789"
testref4 = matchRe ref "123.456"
testref5 = matchRe ref "+456.789E23"
testref6 = matchRe ref "-00789.3400e+12"
testref7 = matchRe ref "-00789.3400e-12"
testref8 = matchRe ref ".1234"
testref9 = matchRe ref "123."           -- False
testref = and
    [ testref1, testref2, testref3, testref4, testref5
    , testref6, testref7, testref8
    , not testref9

--  Copyright (c) 2003, G. KLYNE.  All rights reserved.
--  This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
--  (at your option) any later version.
--  Swish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.
--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with Swish; if not, write to:
--    The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
--    59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-- $Source: /file/cvsdev/HaskellRDF/RegexParser.hs,v $
-- $Author: graham $
-- $Revision: 1.2 $
-- $Log: RegexParser.hs,v $
-- Revision 1.2  2003/10/24 15:37:38  graham
-- Tidy up and add some more test cases
-- Revision 1.1  2003/10/24 15:21:25  graham
-- Add Dfa regular expression parser

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