"listProduct" -- is this a standard function?
Graham Klyne
gk at ninebynine.org
Wed Oct 15 18:07:00 EDT 2003
I've constructed a "listProduct" function that I think I've seen somewhere
else... is it a standard function? If so, where is it defined?
My code is:
-- |Given a list of lists, construct a new list of lists where
-- each member of the new list is the same length as the original
-- list, and each member corresponds to a different choice of
-- one element from each of the original members in the
-- corresponding position. Thus:
-- listProduct [[a1,a2],[b1],[c1,c2]] =
-- [ [a1,b1,c1], [a1,b1,c2], [a2,b1,c1], [a2,b1,c2] ]
-- Note: The length of the resulting list is the product of
-- lengths of the components of the original list. Thus, if
-- any member of the original list is empty then so is the
-- resulting list:
-- listProduct [[a1,a2],[],[c1,c2]] = []
listProduct :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
listProduct [] = [[]]
listProduct (as:ass) = concat [ map (a:) (listProduct ass) | a <- as ]
test1 = listProduct [["a1","a2"],["b1"],["c1","c2"]]
test2 = listProduct [["a1","a2"],[],["c1","c2"]]
And a supplementary point. Following a comment made to me previously, I
can replace this list comprehension (not having any guard expressions) with
another map function, thus:
lp [] = [[]]
lp (as:ass) = concatMap (\a -> (map (a:) (lp ass))) as
I think I should also be able to eliminate the lambda-abstraction, but I
can't see how. I prefer the list comprehension, as I find that easier to
read than the \-expression.
Graham Klyne
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