fold{l|r} and short-circuit evaluation
Graham Klyne
gk at
Wed Oct 15 12:11:53 EDT 2003
At 00:42 15/10/03 -0400, Derek Elkins wrote:
> > If I comment out the indefinitely long list case (test7) in the
> > definition of 'test', the foldl version will pass all these test cases
> > and foldr throws an error on test6. But if I include test7, using
> > Hugs the foldr test case returns a C stack overflow, and the foldl
> > case silently disappears.
>foldl never works on infinite lists.
>foldr isn't tail recursive, so you don't use it with strict functions if
>you are expecting large input. With lazy (in the second argument)
>functions it's appropriate.
Ah, thanks :-O That's a usefully concise statement of the problem I was
bumping up against. (I also note that foldr in this case messes up the
order that operands are applied if the function is non-commutative or
non-associative, and foldr1 places other constraints on the type.)
>You may also want to look at foldM. Instantiated for an exception-like
>monad (Maybe,Either,etc.), you can effectively "throw" a result (or lack
>thereof for Maybe).
Perfect. foldM is just what I was looking for. The corresponding code is:
allSame3 :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
allSame3 [] = True
allSame3 (a:as) = isJust $ foldM nextSame3 a as
nextSame3 :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> Maybe a
nextSame3 a a1
| a1 == a = Just a
| otherwise = Nothing
And it does work in the infinite list case.
Graham Klyne
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