Using existential types
Tim Docker
timd at
Fri Oct 10 19:19:05 EDT 2003
Thanks for the comments. I think your solution misses one
point in my original example...
I wrote:
> data ColDesc rowv = forall a.
> ColDesc (rowv -> a) ([a] -> a) (a -> String)
> calculate :: [rowv] -> ColDesc rowv -> ([String],String)
> calculate rs (ColDesc valf sumf fmtf) =
> let vals = map valf rs in
> (map fmtf vals, (fmtf.sumf) vals)
This code only does the (rowv -> a) evaluation once, whereas
olegs version:
> calculate :: [rowv] -> ColDesc rowv -> ([String],String)
> calculate rs (ColDesc fmtf sumf) = (map fmtf rs, sumf rs)
does the evaluation (rowv -> a) for each element twice, I
think. In a real system, as opposed to my toy example, this
computation is expensive, and I don't want to do it more
that necessary.
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