Using existential types
Graham Klyne
gk at
Thu Oct 2 20:30:53 EDT 2003
I've been trying to use existential types [*] in my code.
[*] cf. Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) user guide, section 7.3.12
My experiments have thrown up a couple of questions:
1. forall x introduces x as existential when it appears immediately
preceding a datatype constructor declaration, e.g. at -1- below.
In position -2-, it appears to signal a universal quantifier.
Is this a correct reading of the situation?
2. I have been trying to use existential types to allow an auxiliary
type to appear in the implementation of a datatype, and have ended
up using one datatype to "wrap" another. Is there a cleaner way?
The code below has been adapted from my development code to provide a
stand-alone example of the kind of thing I'm trying to do. It runs OK
under Hugs.
-- spike-existential.hs
-- experimenting with existential types
-- Questions:
-- 1. forall x introduces x as existential when it appears immediately
-- preceding a datatype constructor declaration, e.g. at -1- below.
-- In position -2-, it appears to be a universal quantifier.
-- ?
-- 2. Is there cleaner way to hide the datatype vt in the declaration
-- of DatatypeVal below, on the basis that I don't really want it to
-- be visible outside the inference rules that are specific to this
-- datatype, referenced by typeRules If I apply the existential at
-- position -1-, an error is reported by Hugs:
-- "cannot use selectors with existentially typed components".
-- The approach I have adopted is to define two datatypes,
-- DatatypeVal which is parameterized by expression type and value
-- type, and Datatype which wraps a DatatypeVal with the value
-- type being an existential. I've yet to work out implementation
-- details for the stuff that uses the value type, but I anticipate
-- using a constructor function that takes the DatatypeMap value
-- as an argument.
data Expr = Expr String -- Dummy expression type for spike
deriving Eq
data Ruleset ex = Ruleset ex String -- Dummy ruleset type for spike
deriving Eq
-- Type Datatype wraps DatatypeVal with an existential, thus
-- hiding the value type. Also define access methods for those
-- components that don't reference the value type.
data Datatype ex = forall vt . Datatype (DatatypeVal ex vt)
typeName (Datatype dtv) = tvalName dtv
typeSuper (Datatype dtv) = tvalSuper dtv
typeRules (Datatype dtv) = tvalRules dtv
-- Type DatatypeVal uses a value type (vt) in its implementation.
-- See tvalMap; the intent is that an implemenatation of tvalRules,
-- and other code may make use of this component.
data DatatypeVal ex vt = DatatypeVal
{-1- data DatatypeVal ex = forall vt . Datatype -1-}
{ tvalName :: String
, tvalSuper :: [Datatype ex]
-- ^ List of datatypes that are each a
-- of the current datatype. The value space
-- of the current datatype is a subset
of the
-- value space of each of these datatypes.
-- NOTE: these supertypes may be
-- using a different value type; e.g. a
-- supertype of xsd:integer is xsd:decimal
, tvalMap :: {-2- forall vt. -2-} DatatypeMap vt
-- ^ Lexical to value mapping, where 'vt' is
-- a datatype used within a Haskell program
-- to represent and manipulate values in
-- the datatype's value space
, tvalRules :: Ruleset ex -- ^ A set of named expressions and rules
-- that are valid in in any theory that
-- recognizes the current datatype.
data DatatypeMap vt = DatatypeMap
{ mapL2V :: String -> Maybe vt
-- ^ Function to map lexical string to
-- datatype value. This effectively
-- defines the lexical space of the
-- datatype to be all strings for which
-- yield a value other than Nothing.
, mapV2L :: vt -> Maybe String
-- ^ Function to map a value to its canonical
-- lexical form, if it has such.
datatypevalXsdInteger :: DatatypeVal Expr Integer
datatypevalXsdInteger = DatatypeVal
{ tvalName = ""
, tvalSuper = [datatypeXsdInteger]
, tvalMap = mapXsdInteger
, tvalRules = rulesetXsdInteger
datatypeXsdInteger :: Datatype Expr
datatypeXsdInteger = Datatype datatypevalXsdInteger
-- |mapXsdInteger contains functions that perform lexical-to-value
-- and value-to-canonical-lexical mappings for xsd:integer values
mapXsdInteger :: DatatypeMap Integer
mapXsdInteger = DatatypeMap
{ -- mapL2V :: String -> Maybe Integer
mapL2V = \ s -> case [ x | (x,t) <- reads s, ("","") <- lex t ] of
[] -> Nothing
is -> Just $ head is
-- mapV2L :: Integer -> Maybe String
, mapV2L = Just . show
rulesetXsdInteger = Ruleset (Expr "expr") "rules"
-- Checkout
test1 = typeName datatypeXsdInteger ==
test2 = typeName (head $ typeSuper datatypeXsdInteger) == typeName
test3 = typeRules datatypeXsdInteger == rulesetXsdInteger
Graham Klyne
GK at
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