Partially ordered collections (revisited, again)
Graham Klyne
gk at
Thu Nov 20 17:43:24 EST 2003
Further to my previous message:
I've taken the suggestions made by Tom and Robert and combined them into a
new module with some supporting functions and test cases. A copy is
attached, in case it's of use to anyone.
I've tightened the maxima function code in response to a comment from Tom,
and added some more partial-ordering comparison primitives. Updated code
is attached:
-- $Id: PartOrderedCollection.hs,v 1.4 2003/11/20 18:35:59 graham Exp $
(I just had a session trying to use the sourceforge CVS, but I can't find
out how to get my combination of WinCVS and SSH tunnelling working.)
Graham Klyne
For email: next part --------------
-- $Id: PartOrderedCollection.hs,v 1.4 2003/11/20 18:35:59 graham Exp $
-- Copyright (c) 2003, G. KLYNE. All rights reserved.
-- See end of this file for licence information.
-- |
-- Module : PartOrderedCollection
-- Copyright : (c) 2003, Graham Klyne
-- License : GPL V2
-- Maintainer : Graham Klyne
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : H98
-- This module provides methods to support operations on partially ordered
-- collections. The partial ordering relationship is represented by
-- Maybe Ordering.
-- Thanks to members of the haskell-cafe mailing list:
-- Robert <rvollmert-lists at>
-- Tom Pledger <Tom.Pledger at>
-- who suggested key ideas on which some of the code in this module is based.
module PartOrderedCollection
( PartCompare
, minima, maxima
, partCompareEq, partCompareOrd, partComparePair
, partCompareListPartOrd, partCompareListOrd
, partCompareMaybe, partCompareListMaybe
, partCompareListSubset
import Maybe
( Maybe(..) )
-- Type of partial compare function
type PartCompare a = a -> a -> Maybe Ordering
-- Functions for minima and maxima of a part-ordered list
-- |This function finds the maxima in a list of partially
-- ordered values, preserving the sequence of retained
-- values from the supplied list.
-- It returns all those values in the supplied list
-- for which there is no larger element in the list.
maxima :: PartCompare a -> [a] -> [a]
maxima cmp as = foldl add [] as
add [] e = [e]
add ms@(m:mr) e = case cmp m e of
Nothing -> m:(add mr e)
Just GT -> ms
Just EQ -> ms
Just LT -> add mr e
-- |This function finds the minima in a list of partially
-- ordered values, preserving the sequence of retained
-- values from the supplied list.
-- It returns all those values in the supplied list
-- for which there is no smaller element in the list.
minima :: PartCompare a -> [a] -> [a]
minima cmp = maxima (flip cmp)
-- Partial ordering comparison functions
-- |Partial ordering for Eq values
partCompareEq :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> Maybe Ordering
partCompareEq a1 a2 = if a1 == a2 then Just EQ else Nothing
-- |Partial ordering for Ord values
partCompareOrd :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> Maybe Ordering
partCompareOrd a1 a2 = Just $ compare a1 a2
-- |Part-ordering comparison on pairs of values,
-- where each has a part-ordering relationship
partComparePair ::
(a->a->Maybe Ordering) -> (b->b->Maybe Ordering) -> (a,b) -> (a,b)
-> Maybe Ordering
partComparePair cmpa cmpb (a1,b1) (a2,b2) = case (cmpa a1 a2,cmpb b1 b2) of
(_,Nothing) -> Nothing
(jc1,Just EQ) -> jc1
(Nothing,_) -> Nothing
(Just EQ,jc2) -> jc2
(Just c1,Just c2) -> if c1 == c2 then Just c1 else Nothing
-- |Part-ordering comparison on lists of partially ordered values, where:
-- as==bs if members of as are all equal to corresponding members of bs
-- as<=bs if members of as are all less than or equal to corresponding
-- members of bs
-- as>=bs if members of as are all greater than or equal to corresponding
-- members of bs
-- otherwise as and bs are unrelated
partCompareListPartOrd :: PartCompare a -> [a] -> [a] -> Maybe Ordering
partCompareListPartOrd cmp as bs = pcomp as bs EQ
pcomp [] [] ordp = Just ordp
pcomp (a:as) (b:bs) ordp = case cmp a b of
Just rel -> pcomp1 as bs rel ordp
otherwise -> Nothing
pcomp1 as bs ordn EQ = pcomp as bs ordn
pcomp1 as bs EQ ordp = pcomp as bs ordp
pcomp1 as bs ordn ordp =
if ordn == ordp then pcomp as bs ordp else Nothing
-- |Part-ordering comparison on lists of Ord values, where:
-- as==bs if members of as are all equal to corresponding members of bs
-- as<=bs if members of as are all less than or equal to corresponding
-- members of bs
-- as>=bs if members of as are all greater than or equal to corresponding
-- members of bs
-- otherwise as and bs are unrelated
partCompareListOrd :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe Ordering
partCompareListOrd = partCompareListPartOrd (Just `c2` compare)
where c2 = (.) . (.)
-- |Part-ordering comparison for Maybe values.
partCompareMaybe :: (Eq a) => Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe Ordering
partCompareMaybe Nothing Nothing = Just EQ
partCompareMaybe (Just _) Nothing = Just GT
partCompareMaybe Nothing (Just _) = Just LT
partCompareMaybe (Just a) (Just b) = if a == b then Just EQ else Nothing
-- |Part-ordering comparison on lists of Maybe values.
partCompareListMaybe :: (Eq a) => [Maybe a] -> [Maybe a] -> Maybe Ordering
partCompareListMaybe = partCompareListPartOrd partCompareMaybe
-- |Part-ordering comparison on lists based on subset relationship
partCompareListSubset :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe Ordering
partCompareListSubset a b
| aeqvb = Just EQ
| asubb = Just LT
| bsuba = Just GT
| otherwise = Nothing
asubb = a `subset` b
bsuba = b `subset` a
aeqvb = asubb && bsuba
a `subset` b = and [ ma `elem` b | ma <- a ]
-- Test cases
notTrueFalse = Nothing :: Maybe Bool
-- partCompareListOrd
test01 = partCompareListOrd [1,2,3] [1,2,3] == Just EQ
test02 = partCompareListOrd [1,2,3] [2,3,4] == Just LT
test03 = partCompareListOrd [1,2,4] [1,2,3] == Just GT
test04 = partCompareListOrd [1,2,3] [2,1,3] == Nothing
-- partCompareMaybe
test11 = partCompareMaybe (Just True) (Just True) == Just EQ
test12 = partCompareMaybe (Just True) (Just False) == Nothing
test13 = partCompareMaybe notTrueFalse (Just False) == Just LT
test14 = partCompareMaybe (Just True) notTrueFalse == Just GT
test15 = partCompareMaybe notTrueFalse notTrueFalse == Just EQ
-- partCompareListMaybe
test21 = partCompareListMaybe [Just True,Just False]
[Just True,Just False]
== Just EQ
test22 = partCompareListMaybe [Just True,Just False]
[Just True,Just True]
== Nothing
test23 = partCompareListMaybe [Just False,Just True]
[Just False,Just True]
== Just EQ
test24 = partCompareListMaybe [Nothing, Just True]
[Just False,Just True]
== Just LT
test25 = partCompareListMaybe [Just False,Just True]
[Just False,Nothing]
== Just GT
test26 = partCompareListMaybe [Nothing, Just True]
[Just False,Nothing]
== Nothing
test27 = partCompareListMaybe [Nothing,Just True]
== Just GT
test28 = partCompareListMaybe [notTrueFalse,notTrueFalse]
== Just EQ
-- minima, maxima
test31a = maxima partCompareListMaybe ds1a == ds1b
test31b = minima partCompareListMaybe ds1a == ds1c
ds1a =
[ [Just 'a',Just 'b',Just 'c']
, [Just 'a',Just 'b',Nothing ]
, [Just 'a',Nothing ,Just 'c']
, [Just 'a',Nothing ,Nothing ]
, [Nothing ,Just 'b',Just 'c']
, [Nothing ,Just 'b',Nothing ]
, [Nothing ,Nothing ,Just 'c']
, [Nothing ,Nothing ,Nothing ]
ds1b =
[ [Just 'a',Just 'b',Just 'c']
ds1c =
[ [Nothing ,Nothing ,Nothing ]
test32a = maxima partCompareListMaybe ds2a == ds2b
test32b = minima partCompareListMaybe ds2a == ds2c
ds2a =
[ [Just 'a',Just 'b',Nothing ]
, [Just 'a',Nothing ,Just 'c']
, [Just 'a',Nothing ,Nothing ]
, [Nothing ,Just 'b',Just 'c']
, [Nothing ,Just 'b',Nothing ]
, [Nothing ,Nothing ,Just 'c']
ds2b =
[ [Just 'a',Just 'b',Nothing ]
, [Just 'a',Nothing ,Just 'c']
, [Nothing ,Just 'b',Just 'c']
ds2c =
[ [Just 'a',Nothing ,Nothing ]
, [Nothing ,Just 'b',Nothing ]
, [Nothing ,Nothing ,Just 'c']
test33a = maxima partCompareListMaybe ds3a == ds3b
test33b = minima partCompareListMaybe ds3a == ds3c
ds3a =
[ [Just "a1",Just "b1",Just "c1"]
, [Just "a2",Just "b2",Nothing ]
, [Just "a3",Nothing ,Just "c3"]
, [Just "a4",Nothing ,Nothing ]
, [Nothing ,Just "b5",Just "c5"]
, [Nothing ,Just "b6",Nothing ]
, [Nothing ,Nothing ,Just "c7"]
ds3b =
[ [Just "a1",Just "b1",Just "c1"]
, [Just "a2",Just "b2",Nothing ]
, [Just "a3",Nothing ,Just "c3"]
, [Just "a4",Nothing ,Nothing ]
, [Nothing ,Just "b5",Just "c5"]
, [Nothing ,Just "b6",Nothing ]
, [Nothing ,Nothing ,Just "c7"]
ds3c =
[ [Just "a1",Just "b1",Just "c1"]
, [Just "a2",Just "b2",Nothing ]
, [Just "a3",Nothing ,Just "c3"]
, [Just "a4",Nothing ,Nothing ]
, [Nothing ,Just "b5",Just "c5"]
, [Nothing ,Just "b6",Nothing ]
, [Nothing ,Nothing ,Just "c7"]
test34a = maxima partCompareListMaybe ds4a == ds4b
test34b = minima partCompareListMaybe ds4a == ds4c
ds4a =
[ [Just 1, Just 1 ]
, [Just 2, Nothing]
, [Nothing,Just 3 ]
, [Nothing,Nothing]
ds4b =
[ [Just 1, Just 1 ]
, [Just 2, Nothing]
, [Nothing,Just 3 ]
ds4c =
[ [Nothing,Nothing]
-- Check handling of equal values
test35a = maxima partCompareListMaybe ds5a == ds5b
test35b = minima partCompareListMaybe ds5a == ds5c
ds5a =
[ [Just 1, Just 1 ]
, [Just 2, Nothing]
, [Nothing,Just 3 ]
, [Nothing,Nothing]
, [Just 1, Just 1 ]
, [Just 2, Nothing]
, [Nothing,Just 3 ]
, [Nothing,Nothing]
ds5b =
[ [Just 1, Just 1 ]
, [Just 2, Nothing]
, [Nothing,Just 3 ]
ds5c =
[ [Nothing,Nothing]
-- test case 32 with different ordering of values
test36a = maxima partCompareListMaybe ds6a == ds6b
test36b = minima partCompareListMaybe ds6a == ds6c
ds6a =
[ [Just 'a',Just 'b',Nothing ]
, [Nothing ,Nothing ,Just 'c']
, [Nothing ,Just 'b',Nothing ]
, [Nothing ,Just 'b',Just 'c']
, [Just 'a',Nothing ,Nothing ]
, [Just 'a',Nothing ,Just 'c']
ds6b =
[ [Just 'a',Just 'b',Nothing ]
, [Nothing ,Just 'b',Just 'c']
, [Just 'a',Nothing ,Just 'c']
ds6c =
[ [Nothing ,Nothing ,Just 'c']
, [Nothing ,Just 'b',Nothing ]
, [Just 'a',Nothing ,Nothing ]
test = and
[ test01, test02, test03, test04
, test11, test12, test13, test14, test15
, test21, test22, test23, test24, test25, test26, test27, test28
, test31a, test31b, test32a, test32b, test33a, test33b
, test34a, test34b, test35a, test35b, test36a, test36b
-- Copyright (c) 2003, G. KLYNE. All rights reserved.
-- This file is part of Swish.
-- Swish is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- Swish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with Swish; if not, write to:
-- The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-- 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-- $Source: /file/cvsdev/HaskellRDF/PartOrderedCollection.hs,v $
-- $Author: graham $
-- $Revision: 1.4 $
-- $Log: PartOrderedCollection.hs,v $
-- Revision 1.4 2003/11/20 18:35:59 graham
-- Compacted maxima code by use of foldl
-- (per further suggestion by Tom Pledger).
-- Revision 1.3 2003/11/20 17:58:09 graham
-- Class-constraint backward chaining: all test cases passed.
-- Revision 1.2 2003/11/19 22:13:03 graham
-- Some backward chaining tests passed
-- Revision 1.1 2003/11/19 15:21:26 graham
-- Add PartOrderedCollection module
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