is identity the only polymorphic function without typeclasses?
Bernard James POPE
Mon, 3 Mar 2003 20:31:33 +1100 (EST)
> I did not mean to include functions that take type constructors as
> parameters (so lists are out of my discussion scope). I am only considering
> functions that uses type variables that are not restricted by typeclasses.
There is const:
const :: a -> b -> a
const x _ = x
And of course a family of const like functions:
const' :: a -> b -> c -> a
const' x _ _ = x
and so on...
Of course const is related to id.
There is also undefined:
undefined :: a
undefined = undefined
You can extend this with arguments:
f :: a -> b
f x = undefined
or even:
f x = f x
and so on ...
Is this what you are looking for?
> In this setting could you give a few useful function signatures, and their
> explanation? How does "not" work polymorphically for example?
not isn't polymorphic in Haskell 98.