Arrow Classes
Joe English
Sat, 28 Jun 2003 09:00:55 -0700
Ashley Yakeley wrote:
> Wolfgang Jeltsch wrote:
> > This brings me to another point. One year ago we had a discussion on The
> > Haskell Mailing List concerning arrows. (The subject of the mails was just
> > "arrows".) The point was that it seemed strange to me that first and second
> > are included in the basic arrow class Arrow while left and right have their
> > extra class ArrowChoice. Not only that it seemed strange to me but it made
> > impossible to make Parser baseMonad an instance of Arrow. Parser baseMonad
> > has nice implementations of pure and (>>>) but none of first or second.
> I agree. My own Arrow module hierarchy looks more or less like this:
> class Compositor comp where [...]
> class (Compositor arrow) => Arrow arrow where [...]
> class (Arrow arrow) => ProductArrow arrow where [...]
> class (Arrow arrow) => CoproductArrow arrow where [...]
> class (ProductArrow arrow,CoproductArrow arrow) => FullArrow arrow
> instance (ProductArrow arrow,CoproductArrow arrow) => FullArrow arrow
> class (Arrow arrow) => ArrowFix arrow where [...]
> class (FullArrow arrow) => ApplyArrow arrow where [...]
On that topic, see below for what mine looks like
(from HXML, <URL: >).
I started off with Hughes' conventions, but for some
reason could never remember the difference between &&& and ***,
or between ||| and +++. I found &&&, >&<, |||, >|< to have
better mnemonic value. This also frees up +++ for ArrowPlus,
which -- in HXML applications -- is frequently used and should
thus be easy to type.
When using the ArrowChoice operators, I kept tripping over all
the 'Either' coproduct types, so added some syntactic sugar
(borrowed from HaXML):
data Choice a = a :> a
class (Arrow a) => ArrowChoice a where
[ ... ]
( ?>) :: (b -> Bool) -> Choice (a b c) -> a b c
(>?>) :: a b Bool -> Choice (a b c) -> a b c
I found "p ?> f :> g" much more pleasant to use.
(I also like the idea of splitting the product operators out of
the base Arrow class -- will consider doing that in my library).
infixr 5 +++
infixr 3 >&<, &&&
infixr 2 >|<, |||, ?>, >?>, :>
infixl 1 >>>
class Arrow a where
arr :: (b -> c) -> a b c
(>>>) :: a b c -> a c d -> a b d
apfst :: a b c -> a (b,x) (c,x)
apsnd :: a b c -> a (x,b) (x,c)
(>&<) :: a b c -> a d e -> a (b,d) (c,e)
(&&&) :: a b c -> a b d -> a b (c,d)
liftA2 :: (b -> c -> d) -> a e b -> a e c -> a e d
aConst :: c -> a b c
idArrow :: a b b
-- Minimal implementation: arr, >>>, apfst or >&<
data Choice a = a :> a
class (Arrow a) => ArrowChoice a where
apl :: a b c -> a (Either b d) (Either c d)
apr :: a b c -> a (Either d b) (Either d c)
(>|<) :: a b c -> a d e -> a (Either b d) (Either c e)
(|||) :: a b c -> a d c -> a (Either b d) c
( ?>) :: (b -> Bool) -> Choice (a b c) -> a b c
(>?>) :: a b Bool -> Choice (a b c) -> a b c
-- Minimal implementation: >|< or apl
class (Arrow a) => ArrowApply a where
app :: a (a b c,b) c
class (Arrow a) => ArrowZero a where
aZero :: a b c
aMaybe :: a (Maybe c) c
aGuard :: (b -> Bool) -> a b b
class (Arrow a) => ArrowPlus a where
(+++) :: a b c -> a b c -> a b c
--Joe English