Simple monads
Wolfgang Jeltsch
Fri, 27 Jun 2003 19:27:36 +0200
On Thursday, 2003-06-26, 23:57, CEST, Derek Elkins wrote:
> [...]
> > not deeply understanding the use of Haskell extensions in the State
> > source,
> I'm assuming Control.Monad.State's source in which case -no- extensions a=
> used for -State- (well, at least I don't see any quickly glancing).
> Extensions are used for the -MonadState class-. For the MonadState class
> they are pretty much necessary. Multiparameter type classes are necessary
> because the state type depends on the monad (get would have type forall
> s.Monad m =3D> m -> s otherwise which is rather meaningless), the function
> dependencies tell the type checker that the state type is completely
> determined by the monad type.
why not swap the state and the monad parameter of StateT? The definition wo=
become something like the following:
newtype StateT m s a =3D StateT (s -> m (a,s))
With this we could create a MonadState class which doesn't use type system=
extensions. It could be defined like this:
class MonadState m where
get :: m s s
put :: s -> m s ()
Note that m now has kind * -> * -> *. Note also that this restricts the=20
MonadState class because only state transformers which can work with every=
state type are now possible as instances. But, at least, State and our=20
modified StateT can be instantiated without problem.
The problem arises when we try to make a MonadTrans instance for our new=20
StateT because MonadTrans needs a type of kind * -> * -> * whoose first=20
argument is a monad. But we can create a different MonadTrans class based o=
the kind of functional dependency usage we just dropped for MonadState. We=
just write:
class MonadTrans (Monad m, Monad tm) =3D> m tm | tm -> m where
lift :: m a -> tm a
Instead of writing
instance MonadTrans T where ...
we would now write
instance Monad m =3D> MonadTrans m (T m) where ...
and for our new StateT type we would write
instance Monad m =3D> MonadTrans m (StateT m s) where ...
The new MonadTrans class would be more powerful. This would have the nice=20
effect that we don't need MonadIO anymore. Instead of writing
MonadIO m
we could just use
MonadTrans IO m
Changing MonadTrans this way would help me with my parser module.=B9 I have=
type Parser which needs three parameters, a "base monad", a token type and =
output type. The base monad parameter has the same purpose as the monad=20
parameter in ReaderT, WriterT, StateT etc. The lift function makes sense fo=
my parser type, so I want a MonadTrans instance. This would restrict me to=
the parameter order
token - base monad - output
which is rather unfortunate for me. The reason is that there are parser=20
functions which fulfill the arrow axioms. The arrow type is a parser applie=
to a specific base monad. So I want to write something like
instance Monad baseMonad =3D> Arrow (Parser baseMonad) where ...
which implies that the base monad must be the first parameter.
This brings me to another point. One year ago we had a discussion on The=20
Haskell Mailing List concerning arrows. (The subject of the mails was just=
"arrows".) The point was that it seemed strange to me that first and second=
are included in the basic arrow class Arrow while left and right have their=
extra class ArrowChoice. Not only that it seemed strange to me but it made =
impossible to make Parser baseMonad an instance of Arrow. Parser baseMonad=
has nice implementations of pure and (>>>) but none of first or second.
Currently, I use my own Arrow module which provides an arrow class, that=20
doesn't include first and second. I'm really not happy with using a=20
replacement for a module from the hierarchical libraries. Is there any chan=
of changing the class structure of Control.Arrow?
> [...]
=B9 The parser module is part of Seaweed. It's the module Seaweed.Core.Pars=
The source code of Seaweed can be accessed via this URI:
There is also the module Seaweed.Core.Parsing.Utilities which provides seve=
useful things implemented on top of the core parsing module.