Non-determinism, backtracking and Monads

Simon Peyton-Jones
Wed, 11 Jun 2003 09:03:32 +0100

Check out "Embedding Prolog in Haskell", which explores exactly the
topic you discuss.


| -----Original Message-----
| From:
[] On Behalf Of Graham
| Klyne
| Sent: 11 June 2003 08:38
| To: Jerzy Karczmarczuk; Haskell Cafe
| Subject: Non-determinism, backtracking and Monads
| At 11:06 05/06/03 +0200, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:
| >I permit myself to observe that your powerset problem (and the
| >length problem, i.e. the combinations) is usually solved in Prolog,
| >backtracking, using reasoning/style which adopts this
| >philosophy.
| >
| >powerset(<source>,<possible result>)   ---   is the pattern. And the
| >solution is
| >
| >powerset([],[]).   Since nothing else can be done. Otherwise you pick
the item
| >                    or not.
| >
| >powerset([X|Rest],L) :- powerset(Rest,L).
| >powerset([X|Rest],[X|L) :- powerset(Rest,L).
| >
| >The xxx ++ map (x :) xxx  solution in Haskell is a particular
| >(and optimization) of the straightforward transformation from a
| >using the non-deterministic Monad. This one is really almost a carbon
| >of the Prolog solution, with appropriate "lifting" of operations from
| >individuals to lazy lists.
| I was thinking some more about this comment of yours, and my own
| with the ease of using lists to implement prolog-style generators, and
| think I come to some better understanding.  If I'm right, I assume the
| following is common knowledge to experienced Haskell programmers.  So,
| the spirit of testing my understanding...
| The common thread here is a non-deterministic calculation in which
| are several possible solutions for some problem.  The goal is to find
| if there are any solutions, and (b) one, more or all of the solutions.
| Prolog does this, absent ! (cut), by backtracking through the possible
| solutions.
| My first epiphany is that the Haskell idea of using a lazily evaluated
| for result of a non-deterministic computation is pretty much the same
| (which is pretty much what you said?  Is this what you mean by "the
| non-deterministic monad"?).  The mechanisms for accessing a list mean
| the solutions must be accessed in the order they are generated, just
| Prolog backtracking.
| So there seems to be a very close relationship between the lazy list
| non-deterministic computations, but what about other data structures?
| speculate that other structures, lazily evaluated, may also be used to
| represent the results of non-deterministic computations, yet allow the
| results to be accessed in a different order.  And these, too, may be
| (should be?) monads.  If so, the Haskell approach might be viewed as a
| generalization of Prolog's essentially sequential backtracking.
| In a private message concerning the powerset thread on this list, a
| correspondent offered a program to evaluate the subsets in size order,
| which I found particularly elegant:
|  >ranked_powerset :: [a] -> [[[a]]]
|  >ranked_powerset =3D takeWhile (not . null) . foldr next_powerset =
| repeat [])
|  >
|  >next_powerset :: a -> [[[a]]] -> [[[a]]]
|  >next_powerset x r =3D zipWith (++) ([] : map (map (x:)) r) r
|  >
|  >powerset :: [a] -> [[a]]
|  >powerset =3D tail . concat . ranked_powerset
| They also pointed out that "ranked_powerset is handy since you can use
| to define combinatorial choice etc.":
|  > choose :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
|  > choose k =3D (!! k) . ranked_powerset
| So here is an example of a different structure (a list of lists) also
| to represent a non-deterministic computation, and furthermore
| means to access the results in some order other than a single linear
| sequences (e.g. could be used to enumerate all the powersets
containing the
| nth member of the base set, *or* all the powersets of a given size,
| evaluating all of the other powersets).
| To test this idea, I think it should be possible to define a monad
based on
| a simple tree structure, which also can be used to represent the
results of
| a non-deterministic computation.  An example of this is below, at the
| of this message, which seems to exhibit the expected properties.
| So if the idea of representing a non-deterministic computation can be
| generalized from a list to a tree, why not to other data structures?
| tree monad is defined wholly in terms of reduce and fmap.  Without
| through the exercise, I think the reduce function might be definable
| terms of fmap for any data type of the form "Type (Maybe a)", hence
| applicable to a range of functors?  In particular, I'm wondering if it
| be applied to any gmap-able structure over a Maybe type.
| I'm not sure if this is of any practical use;  rather it's part of my
| attempts to understand the relationship between functors and monads
| other things functional.
| #g
| --
| [[
| -- spike-treemonad.hs
|    data Tree a =3D L (Maybe a) | T { l,r :: Tree a }
|      deriving Eq
|    instance (Show a) =3D> Show (Tree a) where
|      show t =3D (showTree "" t) ++ "\n"
|    showTree :: (Show a) =3D> String -> Tree a -> String
|    showTree _ (L Nothing ) =3D "()"
|    showTree _ (L (Just a)) =3D show a
|    showTree i (T l r) =3D "( " ++ (showTree i' l) ++ "\n" ++
|                         i'   ++ (showTree i' r) ++ " )"
|                         where i' =3D ' ':' ':i
|    instance Functor Tree where
|      fmap f (L Nothing)  =3D L Nothing
|      fmap f (L (Just a)) =3D L (Just (f a))
|      fmap f (T l r)      =3D T (fmap f l) (fmap f r)
|    reduce :: Tree (Tree a) -> Tree a
|    reduce (L Nothing)              =3D L Nothing
|    reduce (L (Just (L Nothing ) )) =3D L Nothing
|    reduce (L (Just (L (Just a)) )) =3D L (Just a)
|    reduce (L (Just (T l r     ) )) =3D T l r
|    reduce (T l r)                  =3D T (reduce l) (reduce r)
|    instance Monad Tree where
|      -- L Nothing >>=3D k =3D L Nothing
|      t         >>=3D k =3D reduce $ fmap k t
|      return x        =3D L (Just x)
|      fail s          =3D L Nothing
|    -- tests
|    t1 :: Tree String
|    t1 =3D T (L $ Just "1")
|           (T (T (T (L $ Just "211")
|                    (L $ Just "311"))
|                 (L Nothing))
|              (L $ Just "22"))
|    k1 :: a -> Tree a
|    k1 n =3D T (L $ Just n) (L $ Just n)
|    r1 =3D t1 >>=3D k1
|    k2 :: String -> Tree String
|    k2 s@('1':_) =3D L $ Just s
|    k2 s@('2':_) =3D T (L $ Just s) (L $ Just s)
|    k2 _         =3D L Nothing
|    r2 =3D t1 >>=3D k2
|    t3 =3D L Nothing :: Tree String
|    r3 =3D t3 >>=3D k1
|    r4 =3D t1 >>=3D k1 >>=3D k2
|    r5 =3D (return "11") :: Tree String
|    r6 =3D r5 >>=3D k1
|    -- Check out monad laws
|    -- return a >>=3D k =3D k a
|    m1a =3D (return t1) >>=3D k1
|    m1b =3D k1 t1
|    m1c =3D m1a =3D=3D m1b
|    -- m >>=3D return =3D m
|    m2a =3D t1 >>=3D return
|    m2b =3D t1
|    m2c =3D m2a =3D=3D m2b
|    -- m >>=3D (\x -> k x >>=3D h) =3D (m >>=3D k) >>=3D h
|    m3a =3D  t1 >>=3D (\x -> k1 x >>=3D k2)
|    m3b =3D  (t1 >>=3D k1) >>=3D k2
|    m3c =3D m3a =3D=3D m3b
| ]]
| -------------------
| Graham Klyne
| <>
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