Parsing CSV files
Shawn P. Garbett
Tue, 29 Jul 2003 10:01:37 -0500
I did a small search for parsing a comma seperated file in Haskell and didn't
find anything-- so I put together some code to do this. It doesn't handle
whitespace very well, this would be a nice addition if someone has an idea
out there. Also the rows method, I had trouble just using two do loops
without brackets, I couldn't prevent it from being ambiguous.
Anyway here's the code:
import Parsec
import System.IO
-- Code to parse a comma seperated file
content :: Parser String
content = many1 (noneOf "\"")
cell :: Parser String
cell = do char '\"'
w <- content;
char '\"' <?> "end of cell"
return w;
<|> return "" -- Empty cell
separator :: Parser ()
separator = skipMany1 (char ',')
cells :: Parser [String]
cells = sepBy1 cell separator
contents :: Parser [String]
contents = sepBy1 content separator;
rows :: Parser [[String]]
rows = do c <- cells
do { cs <- rows; return (c:cs); } <|> return [c]
csv :: Parser [[String]]
csv = do r <- rows
return r
-- Main routine
main :: IO ()
main = do result <- parseFromFile csv "simple.txt"
case (result) of
Left err -> print err
Right sb -> print sb
Shawn Garbett