How do I create dynamic exceptions
Bayley, Alistair
Tue, 22 Jul 2003 14:59:12 +0100
> The documentation for Data.Dynamic is pretty clear for this and I
> believe with GHC6 you can derive Typeable.
> {-# NOINLINE myExceptionTyCon #-}
> -- the documentation suggests a fully qualified name
> myExceptionTyCon = mkTyCon "MyException"
> instance Typeable MyException where
> typeOf _ = mkAppTy myExceptionTyCon []
I disagree that the docs are clear. I could see that I needed a value of
type TypeRep (a datatype with no constructors - so I can't create one
directly), and also the mkApplyTy, mkFunTy, and applyTy functions, but it
wasn't clear how to use them to get a TypeRep (which one do I use? and
how?). An example like this is more helpful. Is there somewhere else I could
have read about this? (I took a quick look at the wiki first.)
I should have realised I could derive Typeable with ghc6; there was an itch
in the back of my brain (now I remember reading about deriving Typeable in
ghc6) that was trying to tell me there was an easy way...
This is what I have at present, but it still doesn't catch the exception:
> module Main where
> import Prelude hiding (catch)
> import Control.Exception
> import Data.Dynamic
> data MyException = MkExc Int String
> deriving Typeable
> mkErr :: Int -> String -> MyException
> mkErr n s = MkExc n s
> temp :: IO ()
> temp = do
> putStrLn "line 1"
> throwIO (DynException (toDyn (mkErr 2 "my temp")))
> handler :: Dynamic -> IO ()
> handler e = do
> case (fromDynamic e) of
> Nothing -> putStrLn ("dynamic cast failed")
> Just (MkExc n s) -> putStrLn ("exception: " ++ (show n) ++ " " ++ s)
> main :: IO ()
> main = catchDyn temp handler
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