big rationals question
Jon Cast
Sun, 16 Feb 2003 01:07:17 -0600
"Damien R. Sullivan" <> wrote:
> Then I moved to Haskell, largely rewriting the ML code. The result is
> much nicer looking, being able to say 'sum + powx' instead of
> 'Num.add_num sum powx', or having to define 'num_2' for a bignum
> version of 2. It took longer to actually run properly -- I got bit by
> laziness, but John Meacham tipped me off. And now I have
> '34283788463231218 % 20536892788086675' being printed out, although I
> seem to have a bug since if that's a numerator and denominator the
> result is not the natural logarithm of 2. But my real question is can
> I get Haskell to actually do that division itself? I get complaints
> about 'Fractional Integer'; I had to use bc to do the division.
> rationalToDouble :: Rational -> Double
> rationalToDouble rat = fromInteger (numerator rat)
> / fromInteger (denominator rat)
> -xx- Damien X-)
Jon Cast