Error in Haskell 98 Report 'lex' function
Malcolm Wallace
Mon, 10 Feb 2003 12:33:09 +0000
"Simon Peyton-Jones" <> writes:
> Ah yes, this is a genuine bug. Haskell 98 changed at some point to
> allow identifiers and field labels with a leading '_', but the library
> didn't keep pace.
I believe the fix for 'lex' is something like the following.
diff -u -r1.5 Lex.hs
--- src/prelude/PreludeText/Lex.hs 2001/11/09 17:19:06 1.5
+++ src/prelude/PreludeText/Lex.hs 2003/02/10 12:30:00
@@ -26,13 +26,14 @@
lex (c:s) | isSingle c = [([c],s)]
| isSym c = [(c:sym,t) | (sym,t) <- [span isSym s]]
- | isAlpha c = [(c:nam,t) | (nam,t) <- [span isIdChar s]]
+ | isIdInit c = [(c:nam,t) | (nam,t) <- [span isIdChar s]]
| isDigit c = [(c:ds++fe,t) | (ds,s) <- [span isDigit s],
(fe,t) <- lexFracExp s ]
| otherwise = [] -- bad character
- isSingle c = c `elem` ",;()[]{}_`"
+ isSingle c = c `elem` ",;()[]{}`"
isSym c = c `elem` "!@#$%&*+./<=>?\\^|:-~"
+ isIdInit c = isAlpha c || c == '_'
isIdChar c = isAlphaNum c || c `elem` "_'"
lexFracExp ('.':c:s) | isDigit c