Infinite types
oleg at
oleg at
Mon Dec 8 17:51:47 EST 2003
Jeffrey A. Scofield wrote:
> Say I have the following function, adapted from Pierce, Types and
> Programming languages:
> f n () = (n, f (n + 1))
But a simple modification seems to cures the problem:
> newtype W = W (Int, () -> W)
> f n () = W (n, f (n + 1))
> w2list (W (n,f)) = n:(w2list $ f ())
*Main> take 5 $ w2list (f 7 ())
It works in Haskell98. Actually, at first I thought your problem is
more complex. I thought it requires existential quantification to get
the infinite type:
> {-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
> -- Emulating Peano integers
> data W = forall a. (Show a) => W a
> instance Show W where show (W a) = show a
> f 0 = W ([]::[()])
> f n = case f (n-1) of (W x) -> W [x]
*Main> f 5
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