idiom for producing comma-seperated lists?
Ketil Z. Malde
08 Aug 2003 15:56:18 +0200
Antony Courtney <> writes:
> -- Example: format a list of strings, using a comma as a seperator:
> mkSepStr :: [String] -> String
> mkSepStr xs = foldrs (\x s -> x ++ ", " ++ s) "" xs
> t0 = mkSepStr [] -- ==> ""
> t1 = mkSepStr ["hello"] -- ==> "hello"
> t2 = mkSepStr ["10","20","30"] -- ==> "10, 20, 30"
> What do the rest of you do to solve this particular problem?
Uh, concat and intersperse?
Prelude> concat $ List.intersperse ", " $ []
Prelude> concat $ List.intersperse ", " $ ["hello"]
Prelude> concat $ List.intersperse ", " $ ["10","20","30"]
"10, 20, 30"
If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants