Another typing question
Alastair Reid
Tue, 5 Aug 2003 21:48:48 +0100
> > A better solution might be:
> > data EmptyList element = EmptyList
> > data TrueList list element = TrueList element (list element)
> > A list of four Ints for example would be represented by a value of type
> > TrueList (TrueList (TrueList (TrueList EmptyList))) Int.
> Isn't that just the Haskell list type by another name?
I think it's quite different.
A Haskell list looks like this:
1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : [] :: [Int]
Note that the type gives no indication of the length of the list.
Wolfgang's lists look like this (I'm adding a 'T_' prefix to the names of the
type constructors to remove some ambiguity)
1 `TrueList` 2 `TrueList` 3 `TrueList` 4 `TrueList` EmptyList
T_TrueList (T_TrueList (T_TrueList (T_TrueList T_EmptyList))) Int
Note that you can determine the length of the list from the _type_ by counting
the occurences of T_TrueList in the type.
You can see a fully worked use of this approach in Mark Jones' paper about
typechecking Java bytecodes by translating them into a Haskell program using
this kind of encoding. (I'm not sure if Mark would characterise the paper
this way but it's what I remember him doing...)
Alastair Reid