(no subject)
Jon Fairbairn
Sun, 13 Apr 2003 17:18:15 +0100
On 2003-04-13 at 09:55EDT Eileen Head wrote:
> I have two version of factorial as follows:
> > fac = 1.0: zipWith (*) [1.0 ..] fac
> > fact = 1.0: [ f | f <- zipWith (*) [1.. ] fact ]
> Could some explain why does facBad run out of stack memory while fact work
> fine?
> i.e.
> ... > take 5 fact
> [1.0,1.0,2.0,6.0,24.0]
> ...> take 5 facBad
> [1.0
> ERROR - Control stack overflow
Both fac and fact work fine for me in both ghci and
hugs. Are you sure you sent us the right facBad?
Jón Fairbairn Jon.Fairbairn@cl.cam.ac.uk