mutable records

Scott J.
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 14:24:09 +0200


You gave me a lot of thinking about .

Sill I want to make objects packed with their objects and functions. Doesn't
mean that I have to use existential data types?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Alastair Reid" <>
To: "Scott J." <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: mutable records

> > In Haskell one can use existential lists but I doubt about the
> > efficiency.
> Existential lists don't have any special time overhead.  All you're
> doing is making the typechecker happy about what you're doing.
> Of course, there's a small overhead in that any function you invoke on
> that object will almost certainly be an indirect function call rather
> than a direct function call so you get the same (small) overhead as in
> C++ virtual function calls, Haskell method calls (when not optimized
> away), etc.
> > It is not my aim to make of everything an object like in Jave
> > e.g. . The objects I have in mind are showable ojects: windows,
> > scrollbars, messageboxes, etc. . Of such objects I demand fast
> > response with respect to key input or mouse clicks. I am sure Ocamel
> > can do that.
> We're sure Haskell can too.
> You can probably translate your OCaml code fairly directly into
> Haskell but directly translating code which uses mutable state tends
> to result in unidiomatic Haskell code.  If you want nice Haskell code
> (i.e., which exploits Haskell's strengths, plays well with other
> libraries, etc.) it's often best to think about the problem you're
> trying to solve and find a way to express that in Haskell instead of
> trying to express the standard solution in Haskell.
> For example, C/C++/Java GUIs are usually implemented by creating a
> bunch of objects and then connecting the objects together by invoking
> methods on them to add event handlers, etc.  Such programs almost
> never change the object interconnections after this initialization
> phase.  In effect, we have a bunch of single-assignment variables:
> they get initialized but never change after that.
> Haskell has single-assignment variables too (i.e., the normal,
> non-mutable variables you learn about on page 2 of any Haskell
> textbook) and you can often use them to express the connections
> between the objects.  Doing this has an enormous benefit that you
> don't get in C, C++, Java, etc. which is that Haskell's typechecker
> can catch some of the errors you might make when making these
> object interconnections.
> This example probably doesn't apply to your code but it's an example
> of how you can eliminate gratuitious use of mutable variables from
> your code.  The key is to ask us about the problem you're trying to
> solve not ask how to express the standard (imperative) solution in
> Haskell.
> --
> Alastair Reid       
> Reid Consulting (UK) Limited
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